firefox.tar.gz & pluginsForum: User Feedback Topic: firefox.tar.gz & plugins started by: clivesay Posted by clivesay on July 18 2004,23:59
Anyone else having trouble downloading the java plugin in the respository. It dies at 10% for me every time. Also, is firefox 8.0 or 9.2? I see both referenced in the info file. Would 8.0 be better for older machines or does it matter? ThanksChris Posted by mpie on July 19 2004,00:57
either ff will work fine, use the turbo option enter about:config in the url bar....................if you have broadband or adsl then just visit this will auto install java for you
Posted by ke4nt1 on July 19 2004,04:58
I'm guessing by the timestamp on the file, that I was uploading a newly rebuiltj2re1.4.2.tar.gz at the same time you were attempting to download it. The firefox is still the 0.8 version. I grabbed some text off the mozilla website for the .info file, since I was not sure of it's source. ( probably a debian-type repository ) My text was not proofed very well.. Thanks for the heads-up.. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 19 2004,13:23
Thanks for the info, Kent.BTW - is flash already part of the firefox.tar.gz or do we need another .dsl? Thanks Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 19 2004,14:01
Already in there... no need for an extension.Lots of fun stuff to watch at type "about:plugins" into your firefox browser url line. That displays the ones you have already installed. With the j2re1.4.2.tar.gz extension installed, mine shows java as well. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 21 2004,22:52
Has anyone else downloaded firefox lately? Everytime I try to download it says it is complete @ 9.82mb. The download says 9.9. I have get to get any of my download copies to run. Just curious.... Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 22 2004,02:10
It's my guess that the automated script that makes the pages rounds up..The actual file size of the firefox.tar.gz is 10295219 bytes Only emelfm shows the 9.82, which is probably some form of MB , not bytes I have just downloaded the file via ftp and wget.. Both files pass the md5 check. How does your md5 compare ?? If you still have troubles... I'd start looking at owners/permissions of your base DSL files. I just booted from a clean copy of 0.7.2. Used the myDSLgui to download the firefox.tar.gz Icon on desktop, option in menu, runs fine... Yell if I can help further.. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 22 2004,12:22
It looks like the problem might be 7.1. I have been using it because I could do HD install. I ran the extensions on the latest version of DSL and they seemed to install without issue. I am anxiously awaiting the next version of DSL so I can install to HD!! Thanks Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 22 2004,12:50
I have rebuilt the tuxpaint.dsl... a nice addition to the repository... thanks.I found many base directories inside the tar.. They have been removed. It has also been rebuilt for cross-compatibility with both pre 0.7.1 and 0.7.2+ The entries were overwriting the DSL base ( stock ) directories.. This should decrease the frequency of errors in your HD builds.. 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 22 2004,13:23
Should there be a modification in cbaggers deb2dsl script to keep you from having to rebuild files?
Posted by cbagger01 on July 22 2004,14:43
My script will automatically remove all directories from the *.dsl file list before the new extension is saved.Therefore, no post-creation directory removal fixing is required. Posted by clivesay on July 22 2004,15:23
Hi, Cbagger01!I asked the question because I built Tuxpaint and GCompris with the script. I hate for Kent to have to go in and manually change each submitted .dsl file if we can do something different when building to help the situation. Take care Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 22 2004,18:19
I'm just guessing here....After using cbagger01's fine deb2dsl script.. Perhaps you went in and added/removed/edited something? ( icons, extra files, docs, delete stuff, etc.. ) Then, you rezipped it back up using tar -czvf *.dsl, or some string to that effect... That's what does it... cbagger01's script does indeed remove all directories from the tar. schweet !! ![]() ( I don't know if it removes empty dirs, some programs like to see an empty "high score" or "tux" directory ,That was what I found in tuxpaint.... an empty orphaned "tux" directory. It looked like it NEEDED to be there.... so I left IT in...) Re-tarring the extensions makes the tar include all the source directories by default !!! I have been using this string to re-tar.gz programs after working on them with good success.. "tar -T filelist.lst --no-recursion --numeric-owner -cvf- | gzip > ext_name.tar.gz" where filelist.lst = your list of files made with the tar -ztf *.dsl > *.txt" command where ext_name.tar.gz = name of your extension = tux.tar.gx or tux.dsl With this string , you can go in and add icons, files, edit stuff, and repackage it back up without adding all those DIRS to the tar. It also takes the emphasis off the username for ownerships, and associates it with the uid/gid instead. No more "damnsmall" or "dsl" issues... Try this , and see if you get different/better results... I don't mind repackaging them, as I'm going to get all inside it anyway to look for executables, permissions, owners, etc.... before I upload it to the repository... ( more so now that I'm getting caught up in here !! ) 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 22 2004,19:14
Whew! So much to learn!!I do get in and "look under the hood" sometimes so I probably am the culprit! Can you give me a blow by blow example of creating the filelist.lst? I know this is getting off topic for this thread but this is fascinating stuff! ![]() Take care Chris Posted by ke4nt1 on July 22 2004,23:25
....happy to share...Most all of this has been devised and revised by roberts... We've been back & forth testing methods to make these as unintrusive to the base DSL file sysem as possible. ( He's the good lookin' one ..., I'm the stooge in the corner with a bucket and a mop !... spongin' up all the brain matter I can ! ) ![]() I start with a work directory as root user, inside /home/dsl... " sudo su " " mkdir work " " cd work " " cp /mnt/hda*/path-to-your-package/*.dsl . " (notice the lone dot) I use this command to make the filelist. (I'll use tuxpaint, for ex:) " tar -ztf tuxpaint.dsl > t.txt " ... (makes the filelist) " tar -zxvf tuxpaint.dsl " ... (opens up the tar.gz file (.dsl)) " scite t.txt " ...( lets me look inside the list, take out stuff ) ./etc/ <-- bad ./home/ <-- bad ./home/dsl/ <-- bad ./home/dsl/.xtdesktop/ <-- bad ./home/dsl/.xtdesktop/tuxpaint.lnk <-- A Keeper ! ./home/dsl/.xtdesktop/tuxpaint.png <-- A Keeper ! Take out the first 4 lines, as they are no good to the file system. They already exist, in the BASE file system, with proper owners/permissions. No need to overwrite them, possibly with wrong owners/perms. ( I see lots of packages that have every file owned by dsl.staff ) BAD, BAD news for HDInstalls, us LiveCD guys can simply reboot. I take out most ALL directories - they are forbidden unless they are loners... Once you have your list clean of any directories, File/Save. ( Watch for directories in the list with no files in them. They are loners, and usually need to be made, so leave them) They are NOT base directories, which never need to be written. ( BASE directories are ANY directories that are already in the Damn Small Linux Filesystem Image >>> 0.7.*.iso ) Then I use a shell to examine the contents of the package check /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/tuxpaint.lnk check /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/tuxpaint.png check /tmp/ they should ALL be dsl.staff and -rw-r--r-- (chmod 644) ( THIS is key to making icons and menu choices behave ) The rest is pretty straight forward..... Any other files in the package are..... /etc or /etc/* <-- usually always owned by root.root /usr or /usr/* <-- owned by root.root /home/dsl or /home/dsl/* <-- owned by dsl.staff /opt or /opt/* <-- root.root Unless they are specifically an item in a different group ( like /tmp/* ) It's best to make them root.root if they are not in /home/dsl ( try " ls -alR | more " from / dir sometime, and you'll see how the BASE DSL .iso is setup as far as owners/perms go. ) I have seen some contribs that have every file inside them executable... " chmod 777 * " ...this is NOT good form... Once your happy with both the filelist, and the directory structure of your package, use the tar command from my previous post to repackage it back into a *.tar.gz ( *.dsl ) . Make your .md5.txt and .info files.. and give it a test yourself. ( " md5sum tuxpaint.dsl > tuxpaint.dsl.md5.txt " ) ( I use scite to make my .info files.. use an existing one for a template, and edit over it ) Then send it to me, and share it with us.. As DSL continues to change, this process is constantly being tailored to fit the needs of the myDSL system. Expect changes to this method in the future, and please feel free to input your thoughts and tips... 73 ke4nt Posted by clivesay on July 22 2004,23:39
Kent -Thanks for taking the time to go through all of this! I will play with it. Chris |