installing damnedsmall-0.3.6-usb.tarForum: User Feedback Topic: installing damnedsmall-0.3.6-usb.tar started by: albertoshi Posted by albertoshi on May 11 2005,12:25
hello !!I've downloaded the damnedsmall-0.3.6-usb.tar (on a rtc modem), following the link provided, but can't find any info on how to use the files included in this archive (i thought it would be an iso) : the howto starts with an iso file... Do i have to convert this file ? Is it possible to copy directly the files on the key (wich i 've done with the shinux distro) Please somebody can be kind enough to give me a short explaination or how to link for this ![]() thanks a lot !!! My conf : usb key 256Mo (using actually shinux), pc athlon 2800+ and 512 Mo, plus 160 Go DD) . I'm using suze 9.1 as for main se. Posted by meo on May 11 2005,15:42
Hi albertoshi!I suggest you get the latest version from: < > . There (in the current directory) you will find the latest iso file to burn to cd or the latest dsl-embedded that you can unzip on a fat32 formatted usb-drive for immediate use. Have fun, meo Posted by mikshaw on May 11 2005,15:44
No idea what this file is that you downloaded. 1) it should be dsl-* not damnedsmall-* (and there's no "ed" in damnsmall) 2) what is the "link provided"? 3) 0.3.6 is VERY old for DSL...i don't think there is even 0.3 in the archvive Posted by albertoshi on May 13 2005,20:04
hi !thanks you for trying to help. As a mater of fact it's "damnsmall", (-0.3.6-usb.tar, 52 370 KB) i just like to "ed" for fun... The link was found reading an article on the knoppix site i think (but i'm no so sure by now if it was straight from knoppix or after folowing other links). I think i've made a mistake somewhere, but as you guess, downloading 52 Mo on a rtc modem is not too easy so is there anyway to use this and to upgrade, instead of just starting the whole thing again ? Thanks for helping ! albertoshi Posted by meo on May 14 2005,12:36
Hello again!No there is no way of upgrading from the version you have downloaded (as far as I know). So I suggest you follow the link in my previous post and download the most recent version of DSL. Even if it takes time it's well worth it. DSL is a very fun distro and the 1.1 version has many new interesting features. Keep on having fun, meo Posted by albertoshi on May 15 2005,00:34
hello again meo, well i'll start downloadin and tell you morelater Thanks very much from a very little place in Tarn, france... Albertoshi ![]() Posted by albertoshi on May 15 2005,20:40
hello Meo,I just finished to download the (was quiet long and i had to restart three times). I then unzipped to my key (danelec 256 Mo fast usb) wich was previously split into two partitions, 120 + 124 Mo, Fat16, an the geometry is ok, i followed the instruction from the howto i'd downloaded. But after unzippping, nothing happend at boot time (boot failed), wich make me think that i'ts not so straightforward to install dsl. (as you only mentionned to unzip) in the doc there is mention to bootimage, but i wish to use only a linux system to make this key ready, and i do not understand how i can do this from (for instance) suze 9.1. Will you be kind enough to give me a track ? I've been trying to read the docs, but the site is not very easy to understand, infos are sprayed allover, so if you could help !!! Thanks in advance, vince ![]() Posted by meo on May 16 2005,06:35
Hello again!As I mentioned before it's a good idea to format the whole drive with fat32 without partitioning (just one big fat32 partition). Then there should be no problems at all. If you can't do that from your own box borrow someones windows box to format the drive it only takes a few seconds. Have fun, meo |