dsl is FLAWLESS!!!!!!!!!!!Forum: User Feedback Topic: dsl is FLAWLESS!!!!!!!!!!! started by: dmizzel Posted by dmizzel on May 17 2005,10:36
I've tried dsl on many computers (big and small, fast and slow) and it just works! I've had many many problems, however 98% are due to my own learning curve. Actually, 100% because there isn't a computer that I have not been able to get dsl running on. Toinght is my latest triumpth! (actually... good morning). Finally my Toshiba Tecra 730CDT, from which I am posting this now, by way of its internal dialup modem (which was automatically setup by dsl). I have a post in the laptop section for problems I was having, in the end a frugal install to the hd did the trick. I will post a few more details there tomorrow (later today). Now I can sleep.By the rest of the worlds standards this laptop is junk (something to recycle at best), but to us (myself and the dsl community) its a working machine which I will use for internet & email. Now I don't feel bad for spending the $35.00 for the power supply (the laptop was free / junk to someone else). ![]() Final note... I can't wait for my wife to check her email on this machine so I can say 'I told you so' :P Posted by DW49 on May 17 2005,12:00
dmizzel,I'm glad to hear that you have had so much success running dsl on so many machines. I'm typing this message using my knoppix cd, because so far..I haven't been able to get dsl to work properly for me. Knoppix just seems SO much easier to work with. David ![]() Posted by AwPhuch on May 17 2005,16:42
Its very nice aint it...I havent had a computer either that wouldnt run it.Its far from perfect, however I would venture to say that there are few distro's that have had so much work put into them and with such dedication and focus Brian AwPhuch Posted by green on May 18 2005,02:33
I would venture to say that if DSL is 'far' from perfect then no other distro is any closer. DSL just plain rocks. No where esle can you have this much fun with 50Mb and no where else can you find this much functionality with 50Mb. I'm talking about the stock 50Mb you get when you leech the .iso from a mirror. It's the best 50Mb money can buy, and then some.
Posted by justanet on May 18 2005,19:04
OHHHYEAAAA i use dsl to show customers there hardware works that i sold them when they cant get windows loaded lol
Posted by aveline on May 18 2005,23:54
If in any version of dsl or linux I could get the damn pcmcia card I use to stay connected to the net for more than 30 seconds immediately hafter booting up I'd be thrilled w/it. Other than that part (which sucks) its a good distro.
Posted by meo on May 20 2005,17:14
Hi there DSL-fans!Well I wouldn't use the word flawless but DSL really comes close. And to aveline I just want to say that I'm surprised about the pcmcia card problem. I'm using two without trouble in this moment. The first is a dual modem and network card which works perfect and the other one is a card that gives me two extra usb-ports of which I use one port for my Logitech Wingman Gaming mouse (my laptop only has one usb-port and there I have a Sandisk Cruzer Titanium connected and loaded with dsl-embedded from which I'm posting this). So there must be a solution aveline! Yes, DSL is truly amazing! Have fun Y'all out there wherever You are, Regards meo |