Typos in DSL 1.2.1 +Forum: User Feedback Topic: Typos in DSL 1.2.1 + started by: b1ackmai1er Posted by b1ackmai1er on June 25 2005,14:42
In the frugal install script:"totam" instead of "toram" Somewhere in the startup script, when it can't find a valid filesystem to mount: "press enter to coninue" instead of "press enter to continue" In dillo getting started html: "disconect" instead of "disconnect" "mydsl-hda2" instead of "mydsl=hda2" "substanailly" instead of "substantially" Regards b1m1 Posted by b1ackmai1er on June 25 2005,14:54
In the DSL bootup options screen:"Copy CD to HD parition and run" instead of "Copy CD to HD partition and run" regards b1m1 Posted by b1ackmai1er on June 25 2005,18:15
I thought this was a typo but it seems more likely it is a code bug.When I used the DSLpanel Xvesa app and change from 1024x768 to 1280x1024 and the use it again to change back I get and error in /home/dsl/.xserverrc line 1 >>> /dev/nulll: ie and extra "l" at the end of null. If i use xsetup.sh to perform the same task there is no problem. In fact I have to use xsetup to correct the .xserverrc line otherwise i can't startx up again. I had a look at the code in xvesa.lua and couldn't see a text typo but following through the logic best i could, I thought maybe this was the problem: xserverrc = strsub(line,1,j) .. " " .. mode .. " " .. strsub(line,k) perhaps it should have a end-of-line character at the end xserverrc = strsub(line,1,j) .. " " .. mode .. " " .. strsub(line,k) .. "/n" so when it re-writes a line smaller than the previous line no garbage will be picked up at the end. Regards b1m1 Posted by roberts on June 25 2005,18:50
b1ackmai1er,This is great. The more "eyeballs" the better. Thanks for sharing! Posted by dslfool on June 27 2005,19:33
Another small thing - not a typo, but an issue I'd been meaning to bring up for some time that I think is still there in DSL 1.2.1:When opening FireFox in 1024x768 resolution, the window isn't quite centered and the title bar (or whatever it's called in Fluxbox) is off the screen a little. Not an issue for HD installs, but when using DSL live from CD or via a frugal install I'm finding myself reaching for the maximize button every time FireFox is launched after a new boot. A small thing, I know, but I think so much of DSL that even cosmetic thing like this can get to me. ![]() Posted by mikshaw on June 27 2005,20:29
Fluxbox stable doesn't have the ability to position fullscreen windows automatically, since it doesn't know that they are supposed to be fullscreen...it just puts it at whatever location seems logical (usually according to where the previous window is).So it's up to individual applications to tell the window manager where they want to be. Since firefox has a height and width parameter, but no position parameter, i'd have to say it's a problem with Firefox rather than with DSL. Posted by dslfool on June 27 2005,20:56
Hmm. FireFox does align well when I click the "maximize" button, so something there is able to figure out the correct positioning for 1024x768. If it's unable to do this automatically at launch, can it instead be set to a smaller window that's entirely within the 1024x768 area?Again, this is a small thing, but at this point DSL is so, well, damn good that we're spending time on threads like this one which are just about making it more polished. Even if the partially-off-the-screen window placement is a technical issue with FluxBox and FireFox, it looks to the uninitiated (like me :-) ) like human error. If not, no biggie. Thx. Posted by mikshaw on June 28 2005,02:39
'maximize' and '1024x768' are two different things. Fluxbox knows what you want when you maximize, but if you set a window to open at 1024x768 it's not going to know that you also want it at 0,0 unless you specify that position.You can set its position in .fluxbox/apps, but doing so by default would be presumptuous...it would appear at 0,0 no matter what its dimensions were, and lots of users will not like that. Anyway, what i'm getting at is that fluxbox can be configured to do lots of things for you, but most of these things would not be appropriate as a default setting...everybody has a different keyboard, different resolution, different tastes, etc. It's my opinion that leaving things as basic as possible is best, which is what the default settings of fluxbox are Posted by dslfool on June 28 2005,17:32
Hi Mikshaw,Thanks for the info - I do appreciate it, in spite of appearances. I see what you mean re the difference between maximizing and 1024x768, and I agree that it can be dangerous to mess with defaults. Given what I've experienced with DSL and FireFox in the past, however, I just want to clarify what I'm talking about and make sure I'm not missing something: A new user downloads the standard ISO, burns a CD and boots DSL live with no startup options (so DSL defaults to 1024x768). He or she launches various applications, all of which open in windows smaller than and fully within the desktop area. The user then launches FireFox, but the title bar (pardon my use of Windows terminology) extends a few pixels beyond the top of the desktop area, cutting off the tops of the letters in "Mozilla FireFox". An inexperienced user would get the impression that either the DSL development was a little sloppy or that there's something wrong with the window manager, FireFox or even the monitor. (I've also noticed the title bar problem when running at 1200x1024, but at 800x600 the Firefox window is smaller than the desktop area and fully within its boundaries.) ***If I remember correctly, this wasn't a problem with the FireFox .DSL before the browser was integrated into the ISO. That's what made me think this was fixable.*** Anyway, let me withdraw my original question and now just ask if it's possible, when running DSL live from CD with no startup options, for FireFox to open in a smaller window fully within the desktop? If it can now when 800x600 is forced, and (I think) it could with the separate FireFox .DSL, and if Dillo, FLwriter, SIAG, etc. can do it, why not with FireFox now at the default Live CD settings? Like I said before, it's not a big problem. I just figured if typos are worth correcting, why not fix cosmetic issues as well. Thanks again. I'll shut up now. :-) Posted by mikshaw on June 28 2005,21:32
oh....I guess i misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you meant you started firefox at 1024x768, but it was the desktop itself set at that resolution.In that case, yeah....i think there's a setting that could be changed. Maybe the program was opened at a larger-than-normal resolution before the ISOwas created and the setting stuck as default. This is just a guess, though...i'll check it out in a bit to get a better idea of the issue. Posted by dslfool on June 28 2005,23:45
Mikshaw,Heck, half the time I can't even understand myself... Anyway, mucho thanks for looking into this. We now return to our regularly scheduled thread. Any more typos, anyone? Posted by friedgold on June 29 2005,17:45
In dsl-embedded-1.2.1.zip there is a dsl-linux.sh for running qmeu embedded in linux. However it seems there is a typo. It currently reads
I believe it should read (note the capitalisation):
Posted by ico2 on June 30 2005,07:00
aaaaaaaaaaah, i think you are right, it is probably because the code is the same as that for windows .bat file, and of course: in windows caps dont matter
Posted by friedgold on July 01 2005,22:08
Not so much a typo, more a leftover from DSL's Knoppix roots. The /etc/sudoers files reads
Since the knoppix user no longer exists shouldn't the knoppix line be removed. |