dsl 1.3 boot problemForum: User Feedback Topic: dsl 1.3 boot problem started by: mstrhelix Posted by mstrhelix on July 24 2005,02:00
I am having problems booting the 1.3 version. I enter dsl xsetup at the boot: prompt and after checking hardware it doesn't config it kicks me to a very limited shell. I can't even ls files. I'm booting with old version of dsl fine on a amd 1.8ghz 512mb ram . what gives? I also remembered that I have made an optional directory on the root of my cd-rom with .dsl pkgs that i added. What am I doing wrong?
Posted by mstrhelix on July 24 2005,03:47
It also says "Cant find KNOPPIX Filesystem" b4 it dumps me to very limited shell
Posted by adssse on July 24 2005,04:42
Did you try typing 'failsafe' at the boot prompt? Just wondering what results that would give you. If you can get past that point you can try different options such as 'dsl nodma'.
Posted by newOldUser on July 24 2005,13:51
Could it be something as simple as a bad download or burn? Did you check the md5 hash after download? Try burning another CD at a slower speed.
Posted by N0zer0 on July 27 2005,12:22
Hi all!I have a problem. I have burn the DSL 1.3 .iso to cdrw, then reboot. I have an errorfree copy, I have compared it to other downloaded images. At the bootscreen I press <Enter> and the bootprocess begin, a white process bar will be shown, but it hangs at few %. I have tried "dsl nodma", "failboot" and other options. Using "failboot" option results, that I have some info, the system starts to boot, hw-s will be detected, more lines are written, the last line inform me, that my IDE controller (INTEL ICH5) is in nativ mode, then the process hangs again ![]() My testconfig: Abit IC7, P4 2,6NW, 512MB DDR400, C3D R9600NonPro 128MB 128bit, 20GB ATA100 hdd, LG CDRW drive, 10/100 PCI RTL8139 netcard. Nothing is overclocked and the SATA, Firewire controller are disabled in BIOS. I am newbie in linux ![]() Please help! Posted by N0zer0 on July 28 2005,04:45
Nobody? ![]() Then short: HW detection is OK, but after... why does the white (first) install process bar hang at few % below the two pinguins? I have an errorfree bootcd. Posted by mstrhelix on July 28 2005,05:13
try booting like thisboot: dsl toram xsetup see what you get from that Posted by N0zer0 on July 28 2005,06:50
Same happens, it hangs at same point...I do not understand the reason, I have not more idea. Posted by N0zer0 on July 28 2005,06:51
(Oops, double post)