USB key problem (newbie)Forum: User Feedback Topic: USB key problem (newbie) started by: rastaferraille Posted by rastaferraille on Nov. 10 2005,12:27
Hi everybody,Sorry for my english (i'm french). I don't manage to intall DSL on my USB key. When I boot on the CD with the USB key plugged into the computer, the system is not able to start. So I've tried to boot without the key, but when i try to intstall the system on my key, it crashes. I've looked to /etc/fstab, nothing is written inside. Can someone help me please ? Etienne Posted by SuperLou on Nov. 10 2005,13:17
You can boot from the liveCD?Does your computer support booting from USB? Posted by rastaferraille on Nov. 10 2005,17:45
Yes, I can boot from the CD, but I can't if the key is plugged: The pc stays on the message "... writing fstab" and nothing happens. My Bios supports USB Boot. If I try to mount my key, the system crashes too. My fstab file is empty, my hard disk seams not to be mounted too.thanks Posted by SuperLou on Nov. 10 2005,18:08
Do you have the boot order so USB key is below the cd-rom? Does the usb key have anything on it right now? This link is kinda old by now, but if you try the stuff at < > you can install dsl from within windows. With some luck someone who understands this stuff better than I will jump into this thread.
Posted by rastaferraille on Nov. 10 2005,20:13
Thanks, I'll try it from windows. It's strange that my key can't be mounted under DSL (so I can't use the tool to proceed the ' to USB pendrive installation' ). Maybe they're compatibility problems ...
Posted by spock on Nov. 12 2005,22:28
My USB key was not found by DSL on booting with the live CD (RC1). It also didn't find the file system when installed manually to the keyfob. I found out minirt24.gz was not loading the usb modules properly, so I edited the file linuxrc and now I'm happy :Ungzip minirt24.gz, mount the file minirt24 with
Of course this is all done in Linux. Enjoy DSL ![]() Posted by rastaferraille on Nov. 15 2005,13:09
Ok, many thanks. I'll try it.Could you be more precise about the module uhci.o ? What's the linuxrc file and where is it ? Maybe you could be more precise and explain me the method step by step... (Sorry, i'm a newbie) |