dsl and kernel 2.6

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: dsl and kernel 2.6
started by: rlmoz

Posted by rlmoz on Nov. 30 2005,19:09
hi for all!

i use dsl 2.0 but have a problem with some device usb ( codebar scanner usb), the problem is module usb-uhci.o. The idea is replace module with one new. if possible replace kernel 2.4.31 with kernel 2.6xx.

how to ? anyone have this combination ? if yes!.. if possible shared with me or say how to remake dsl with kernel 2.6xxx


Roberto Leiva M.
Santiago - Chile

Posted by mustang335 on Nov. 30 2005,22:56
I have not used a 2.6 kernal with dsl. There are a lot of coding changes kernal objects o to ko . Instead of modutils you have module-init-tools taking care of the modules. Ins mod goes to modprobe and thats just with modules. I think there might be dif version compilers Maybe someone is up to the challenge.just thought i would give a little feedback. There are others way more competant than I.   Marty.
Posted by crusadingknight on Dec. 01 2005,01:32
Well, < http://www.digitalhermit.com/linux/Kernel-Build-HOWTO.html#BUILDING > serves as a starting reference... I'll probably be rebuilding with sometime this weekend, so I've been doing some research. (Never built a kernel on a distro where I'd manually installed all of the tools before.)
Posted by acoul on Dec. 14 2005,12:45
Are there any plans for a 2.6.x kernel?  I would very much like to see DSL as a kismet/wifi < wardeiving > tool also !!  < Troppix > is or used to be a very good example but it was too big to fit on a USB key...
Posted by sarah on Dec. 14 2005,13:01
To answer Acoul's question:
From the DSL FAQ:
Will DSL ever use the 2.6 kernel? Has it even been considered?

There are currently no plans to move to a 2.6.x kernel, for the following reasons.

   * The 2.6.x kernel is significantly bigger than the 2.4.x kernel, so it would cramp DSL's functionality.
   * The 2.6.x kernel drops a lot of support for legacy technologies, hardware, etc, and we want to keep DSL functional on as much hardware as possible
   * All major improvements that have occured to the 2.6.x tree have been, and are being backported to the 2.4.x tree, by a very active backporting team. And even though Linus said he would not participate in the backporting process this time, the demand for 2.4.x kernel maintenence is about the same as the demand for updates and improvements to the 2.6.x kernel, so even he has helped in the process, though not as much as what he does toward 2.6 development. For evidence of this activity, take a look at kernel.org, where you can see, the 2.4.30 kernel was released, just a few days after 2.6.10.

::Edit:: Of course just because it says that on the Wiki doesn't mean someone won't do it - or that it will never happen ;o)

Hope that helps :o)
Cheers and beers,

Posted by WDef on Dec. 15 2005,10:04
Tronik tried putting a 2.6 kernel into dsl - this was on his and others ftp server (search the forums).  Don't know if it's still there - didn't try it myself on the assumption that it's probably got at very least a few problems, depending on how it was made.

INSERT (about dsl's size) uses a 2.6 kernel but isn't geared towards desktop use and uses unionfs (which uses quite a lot of memory - that also presents issues if a reinvented "dsl" was to be based instead on the new unionfs-2.6 knoppices).  I had a crack at remastering INSERT and simplistically tried adding dsl's dsl-dpkg and copying some missing files across from dsl, with a view to apt-get installing a few more desktop apps and making it more dsl-like.  The net functions of apt-get (downloading etc) ran fine on this from a chroot, but dpkg seemed to have perl problems and wouldn't work.  Not being much a perlmonger and not having the time I gave up trying to resolve these.  Someone out there might like to  have a crack at it.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 15 2005,17:59
It sounds like someone would need to be very persistent if they wanted to accomplish this goal, which I am sure is achievable if someone wants to lock themselves into a room for a few days with nothing but Cheetos and Coke.

Good Luck to them.

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