Strange resolution for widescreen

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Strange resolution for widescreen
started by: Whitesparrow

Posted by Whitesparrow on Mar. 05 2006,10:50

I'm currently working on a InternetKiosk using dsl an the booth extension. (Can be found here :< Booth > )

I want to use a widescreen TFT-Display with 1440x900 pixels.

I edit the .xserverrc-file to :
Code Sample

exec /usr/bin/X11/Xvesa -screen 1440x900x32

But it dos not work.
My display does not support the H/V-sync values X uses.

Is there any way to change this with a parameter in .xserverrc ?      ???


Posted by cbagger01 on Mar. 06 2006,02:23

Your best hope is to install the XFree86.dsl extension and configure a modeline that works with your display.

Posted by Whitesparrow on Mar. 06 2006,14:29
Ok ...
..I thougth the same
so this is what i'm currenttly working on .... :)

Posted by struppi on Mar. 06 2006,15:05
a quite simple way how to configure x is running knoppix 3.4. boot it and copy the x config file.

tataa... here's your setup.

Posted by Whitesparrow on Mar. 07 2006,15:12
Oh thank's ...

I'll try it ....


Posted by andrewb on Mar. 08 2006,00:28
Have you tried the framebuffer option. See the wiki under cheatcodes & then the vga=option (there is a link to a page giving a better description of the famebuffer modes & how to get at the numbers required for the framebuffer mode for unlisted modes).
Posted by Whitesparrow on Mar. 09 2006,17:41
Not really jet ....

... tried some of the codes for testing .....

But I think it is not very difficult to combine the booth and the Xfree exeption.
So I'll do it this way ...
(It's nearly working jet ...)

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