Problems with gtkrc-styles

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Problems with gtkrc-styles
started by: wite

Posted by wite on Mar. 06 2006,03:42
Hi everybody,

I've been using DSL for some days and I love it. Thanks to all you guys working on it!

But I experienced some (minor) Problems forming it the way I like. (DSL-2.2 HD-install)

[solved1) I tried changing the window colors within X by editing /usr/share/themes/Default/gtk/gtkrc. This worked for all the widgets, but I wasn't able to change the background- und the fontcolor of the actual windows (for example Beaver: the frame, where to content of the open file is shown). I thought base[...] managed this, but editing these values had no effect. How can I change these colors? Actually I want white fonts on a black background.]

[solved 2) Changing the position of the toolbar and the slit via right-click - placement works just for the actual session. After rebooting the machine or restarting of X both are at their default position on the bottom. How can I make Fluxbox remind my changes?]

[solved 3) Midnight Commander doesn't use his internal Edit. The appropriate checkbox within the configuration is activated, but Vim is getting started everytime I press F4. How can I fix this?]

4) After booting I have no access to my network until I do /etc/init.d/networking restart. By doing this I get an error: "SIOCDELRT: No such process", but everything works. Restarting another time shows no error. I tried to perform this in, but I still had to do it manually after login. Then I put the command in .xinitrc - this works properly. But I can't figure out what's the reason for this, why do I have to do this restart?

here is my /etc/network/interfaces:
Code Sample
auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

I'd be very glad, if you had some hints for me. Many thanks in advance.

Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 06 2006,03:58
I can't help much, but...
2) Placement of toolbar is stored in .fluxbox/init.  I don't know why it wouldn't be saved when you restart x, but if you want it to persist after a reboot you will need to backup and restore this file.
3) Midnight Commander in DSL does not include mcedit.  You will need to either use vim, or set your EDITOR environment variable to some other application.

Posted by wite on Mar. 06 2006,04:31
Thanks for your help mikshaw.

2) Editing init solved the problem. With hindsight I think the problem was, that I updated Fluxbox via myDSL and had 2 conf files.

3) Shame on me. I recently installed mcedit, but a short time after I had to reinstall DSL. And of course I forgot to install mcedit again.. sorry.

Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 08 2006,01:46
1) It appears as though this can't be done through gtkrc, or if it can be done there's no obvious way.  I did some tests and could get every other widget to display white on black except for that main window. Even using a wildcard for the desired widget class didn't work.
However, in Beaver you can adjust these settings through the application's preferences.  I assume this can be done with many other applications as well.

Posted by wite on Mar. 09 2006,18:14
Thanks a lot for actually experimenting to solve my problem, mikshaw.

1) After investing much time and getting some help, I finally got my backgrounds colored. Now I can change these colors as well by editing the style, which is set for the classes "GtkMenu" and "GtkEntry".

4) My network problem still exists. I think I'll put this in the right forum.

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