Video Drivers

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Video Drivers
started by: Foxx

Posted by Foxx on April 13 2006,06:48
How can I find out what video card is in my machine (its an Internet Appliance, so opening it up and just looking arround the chipsets hasnt helped out too much) and get updated video drivers? I know it has a LynxEM+ chipset, I could go back down the the chip level and take a look if I really have to... My main concern is getting compatable video drivers and getting them working.
Posted by safesys on April 13 2006,20:39
typing "lspci" in the terminal might give an insight
Posted by Foxx on April 16 2006,16:41
cute, lspci - "List PCI" ;}.  Turns out I have a Silicon Motion LynxEM+ SM712 Rev A. I decided to go down to the chip level and remove the items blocking the top of this chip to confirm this. I have done some research on Linux support for this chipset, and the results were vauge at best. I would like to SSH in and have a poke arround at the video settings if its possible. I can get SSH up and running, besides editing the .conf files manually or starting up the xserver, I have no idea how to do it...
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