Triple Desktops on Screen

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Triple Desktops on Screen
started by: tbeckman

Posted by tbeckman on April 17 2006,19:58
I just booted up my computer from the DSL CD, everything seemed to cruise along smoothly, and then the monitor went strange: it shows three copies of the desktop, all slightly overlapping, and running completely in synch.  That is, the mouse pointer appears on all three, and moves the same.

I am running an old system, 200 MHz, 32MB RAM

The video card is: S3 ViRGE PCI Rev B with 2 MB available
Monitor:  Orchestra Cornet

Any suggestions for changing this so that I only see one desktop?  And if you have suggestions, please use simple terms, as I am a newbie, and don't really have a clue.

Many thanks!


Posted by doobit on April 17 2006,20:51
Wow, that's cool! Strange, but cool. You probably need to change the resolution setting to start with. I'm guessing you are using the default by just pressing enter. Up until that point everything looks normal? OK, at the boot prompt enter fb800x600 then hit enter and see if that helps.
Later,When you set up X (the monitor settings) you will probably need to set a lower bit setting because 2MB isn't much.

Posted by tbeckman on April 17 2006,21:48
Many thanks! That worked just fine. I had to go through a couple of screens of xvesa settings, but I ended up with a single desktop on my monitor. Much easier on the eyes.

Thanks for the speedy response and help!


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