Putting a Shell-Script on the desktop

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Putting a Shell-Script on the desktop
started by: lantian2004

Posted by lantian2004 on May 30 2006,17:46
Ok, well, using JWM and we have home brewed shell scripts that call upon a java environment. We are trying to put a lnk on the desktop, or something in the menu, but with no luck. Tried calling on aterm to launch the script from the menu and the window would open then close, we need a window to stay open.

When we tried making a lnk onthe desktop to the script it wouldn't work, then randomly, all of the icons would dissapear.

So, here is the deal, I have 3 scripts calling on java that I need to see in a terminal window, and I need easy access instead of going TUI to launch everything. Anyone have any good ideas?

Posted by doobit on May 30 2006,18:21
Try putting a & after the command so it runs in the background. The might be that you are trying to run a non-x based command in an x terminal or visa versa.
Also, how much memory are you calling? Is your swap active?

Posted by lantian2004 on May 30 2006,18:39
Not sure if we want it in the background, basically it is an application that runs in a term window, just a bunch of text scrolling around showing connections, heartbeats and etc.

What we do right now, is open an aterm window and execute the script, then repeat until all 3 are open, so looking for a simpler way like an icon. So, it definitely needs to open in aterm and stay an active window.

So far every way of trying to get aterm to open the script wont work, at one point we had it using the JWM menu and it would pop open a window then close, but it was too fast to catch an error code. Possibly the enviroment settings since we are calling on Java??

The other odd thing is that when we try to add a shellscript to the desktop after about 3 modifications we loos all of our icons, which sucks becuase we stripped the interface down so all we have in the menu is restart and reboot (so essentially locking us out, hehe)

We modified the lnk, but under "Type" do we enter shellscript instead of program? The question again is, I don't think that is going to open a terminal window so you can see the app running.

Oh, swap is active and not sure how much memory  we are calling on, but it works manually through aterm.

Posted by mikshaw on May 30 2006,20:29
The aterm window is closing because the script is closing due to an error; it has nothing to do with the way the icons behave.  See your other thread for one solution
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