old tired eyes

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: old tired eyes
started by: yanewbee

Posted by yanewbee on July 05 2006,20:26
I have two questions. First I will give a little background. I have tried three live cds:

Neither Ubuntu or Beatrix would allow me to go online. I was able to load a local file into Firefox and the fonts were very legible and not at all blurry.

DSL enabled me to configure my modem and ppp with a little trial and error. (My modem is hard wired to com5. Plus I had no idea the aswers for my ISP.)

Did a little surfing. Yeah DSL rocks.
Well I'm no longer a young pup. Reading the slightly blurred and painful to look at fonts won't work for long.

This brings me to question one:

Short of a newer kernel and xfree can this be cured?

Which leads into question two?

Can DSL be a jumping off point for a desktop hard drive system?

That is can I install it to  a hard drive and download a newer kernel, xfree and some programming tools?

Thanks in advance for your help.

All of us out here on a rural telephone system applaud you for a fine small live cd. Keep up the good work!

Posted by kerry on July 05 2006,23:46
install the abiword.dsl and see if that helps. it has extra fonts that firefox can use.
Posted by roberts on July 06 2006,00:33
I am visually imparired. When I use firefox, I always use Ctrl + to increase the font size displayed. Ctrl 0 will return it to normal.
Posted by yanewbee on July 08 2006,16:17
Just an update that might be helpful to others.

I was searching the forums for a way to de uglify fonts and stumbled on a post that mentioned pushing a button on an LCD monitor.

So I pushed the auto button on my monitor and it flickered for a couple seconds. Now everything is much sharper. (In MS windows this button does nothing)

Hope this helps somebody else.

Now that I can see I can surf the web and find a way to clean up the fonts or use truetype.

I installed to hard drive and DSL has pretty much everything I need. However I cant use enable apt as it fails with a checksum error.

There is a suggestion in the forums to use a mirror. Okay I found one but I dont know where to save it or what to do with it.

Posted by newby on July 08 2006,19:56
Quote (yanewbee @ July 08 2006,12:17)
Just an update that might be helpful to others.

I was searching the forums for a way to de uglify fonts and stumbled on a post that mentioned pushing a button on an LCD monitor.

So I pushed the auto button on my monitor and it flickered for a couple seconds. Now everything is much sharper. (In MS windows this button does nothing)

Hope this helps somebody else.

Now that I can see I can surf the web and find a way to clean up the fonts or use truetype.

I installed to hard drive and DSL has pretty much everything I need. However I cant use enable apt as it fails with a checksum error.

There is a suggestion in the forums to use a mirror. Okay I found one but I dont know where to save it or what to do with it.

The following menu sequence seems to help at times:

Right click (on the desktop) -> Window Manager ->  Reconfigure

BTW, I think your ying/yang animation is way cool!

Posted by yanewbee on July 14 2006,02:26
My last post in this section.

I will update later with a how-to for a dual-boot windows and dsl install on a hard drive emphasizing my mistakes.

#1 lack of a plan
#2 lack of research
#3 not knowing about gtkfind - mydsl  apps gtkfind - mc was okay but a bit dated (oops talking shorthand again mc is the late and great midnight commander comes on the cd -just type mc in emelfm or terminal)

This will be posted to the forum under HD install

I'm working on creating a custom cd for dsl so I can install with my choices for the stuff I like to do.

When I make more progress I will post the results on the the appropriate section.

My original goals were:

1. To get a new system. I used to use Windows 98. That system is no longer supported.

2. To develop a box that would control a solar water heating system and be operated remotely through a network. The remote box could   be updated or configured locally as a stand alone machine or remotely over a network. A very simple, low powered, robust and inexpensive box.

I plan to be an active participant in this community.

Once again thanks for your distro and for your help.

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