Mount tool in jwm

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Mount tool in jwm
started by: kenboyles72

Posted by kenboyles72 on Aug. 27 2006,23:35
Using fluxbox, in the bottom right hand corner, there is the mount tool and dmix. How do I get that in jwm? I can call mount.lua or docked.lua. If I run mount.lua, I can move it around on the desktop, but with dock.lua I can't. How can I get dock.lua started up with jwm with the same placement on desktop?
Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 27 2006,23:54
docked.lua was written specifically for fluxbox, in order to fit in the slit. Jwm does not have a slit, so it will just float like any other application.

If you want it to appear in a specific location you will need to edit the script.  The default position is 1600,1600, which if you have a smaller screen than that will make it appear in the bottom right corner.  If your screen is larger than that, and if you are runing jwm or some other window manager without a slit, it will be at 1600,1600.

I hope this answers your question...i'm not exactly clear on what you meant

Posted by kenboyles72 on Aug. 28 2006,03:26
yeah, thats what i meant. i messed around a bit with mount and dock lua's trying different settings, didn't come up with anything usefull. so i'll just have mount.lua startup with jwm and move the app manually, not really that big of a deal. hey, but i did find a thread about mod'n torsmorc. did a little editing and removed some stuff, changed the fonts and colors and changed the status bar colors. looks pretty cool now :)
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