jwm dsl menu missing

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: jwm dsl menu missing
started by: lfleiva

Posted by lfleiva on Nov. 01 2006,16:08
Hi everyone.
I started using dsl not long ago; it's my first linux install distribution.  I frugall installed it on a i686 32Mb ram system.

I changed desktop to jwm when I read it might improve performance slightly.  It work fine until I was forced to reset the machine because it got stuck (no mouse buttons working).  At restart the dillo window had a very noticeable red color window header as any other window I opened.  Much worst, I noticed there was no dsl menu when I right click on the desktop.  I also happened to notice that "focus follows mouse" got activated and wasn't previously.  And, although not completely sure if it was previously, there is a JWM button with no function in the lower left corner.

I switched back to fluxbox by changing .desktop, restarted and everything was ok, dsl menu working.  But I tried to swicht back to jwm and it is still the same problem.

I tried to open the .jwmrc file with nano (which supposedly contains configuration for jwm) but only see scrambled characters.

Could someone help me to get jwm dsl menu again...!

Thanks for your help.
Luis fdo.

Posted by roberts on Nov. 01 2006,16:19
You can copy the original .jwmrc from /etc/skel/.jwmrc
Posted by lfleiva on Nov. 02 2006,05:15
Done.  Thanks!
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