Screen Saver QuestionForum: X and Fluxbox Topic: Screen Saver Question started by: NewLinuxGuy Posted by NewLinuxGuy on Nov. 29 2006,00:18
I installed DLS on a Toshiba Satellite 110 CT. Everything works fine except screen saver. I used : xset s on xset s 1 Nothing happens. If I connect the laptop to an external monitor, it works. However, if I add xset s noblank It will work on laptop's internal display. A big X will be displayed. How can I fix the problem. As an alternative, anyone know if i can change the standard big X picture to a picture of complete black wall to simulate a screen off. Thanks. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 29 2006,04:36
The laptop monitor doesn't support blanking?I guess you could try xscreensaver. Posted by NewLinuxGuy on Nov. 29 2006,06:17
Thank you thehatsrule. Yes, the blank does not work on laptop's own monitor. But if I set it to noblank (xset s noblank). A white background with a black X will displayed as the screensaver. I tried your suggestion of xscreensaver. But the system does not have such command ![]() help please. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 29 2006,14:08
Yea, it's an external program. See mydsl.
Posted by NewLinuxGuy on Dec. 01 2006,04:21
I downloaded the xscreensaver. It works as a screen saver. However, my problem remains -- how can I turn off the screen whenever i need it? I know the command is xset s on xset s 1 but they just would not work on my old toshiba 110ct. The screensaver can not really turn off the screen. The laptop BIOS has power save mode. but then i lost control of it from my program ![]() Help Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 01 2006,16:59
Well yes, if your hardware setup does not support blanking, there is really no way to implement it...There may be a dos program you can download off somewhere in which you can change BIOS options (if it's not in CMOS setup) - some other laptop users had to use these to change theirs. I had suggested xscreensaver in response to this:
Posted by NewLinuxGuy on Dec. 02 2006,07:33
Hi ^thehatsrule^, thanks for the help. The screensaver at least helps.I may not made it clear. My BIOS does support screen power management. But I guess the machine must too old and the HW control would not be detected by DSL. Anyway, a 100MHz with 400MB HD can be used as a wireless WEB broswer, it is already amazing. Thank you DSL. Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 02 2006,20:50
Posted by NewLinuxGuy on Dec. 06 2006,22:35
Just to report back what I got so far. After many hours, I concluded that xset s 1, xset s blank, etc just would not work for Toshiba Satellite 110CT. So using cron job, I kill the x server and go back to console mode, and used commends: setterm -powersave on setterm -powersave powerdown setterm -blank seterm -powerdown I would never figure out which of four works, so i run them all. The screen still remains on, but at least it is a complete blank one (in blank too). Good enough for now. If i would later figured out how to create a complete blankscreen saver to run with xscreensaver, that will be even better. Thank you all for your help. Happy DSL ... Posted by Oldnewbie on Dec. 25 2006,05:13
Hi, new to the forum. I have DSL running from a flash drive on a p 200 with 64 mb of ram, and I'm really impressed at how efficient it is, it even sets up the isa sb16 sound card. I know there is probably a post about this, but I don't want the monitor to turn off. How do I stop this function? Oldnewbie Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Dec. 31 2006,23:58
For x, you can use "xset s off"