Help with additioanl Themes

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: Help with additioanl Themes
started by: texmansru47

Posted by texmansru47 on Nov. 02 2004,17:35
I have a couple of themes that I would like to load to my DSL HD installation... but how?  the are tarred and zipped files, but what should the target directory be?  


Posted by john73 on Nov. 12 2004,23:45

You will need to unhide the directories if you haven't done so already.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 13 2004,04:43
If they are "fluxbox" themes ...
Place the "style" file in the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/styles directory..
Place the background image , if any, in the /home/dsl/.fluxbox/backgrounds dir..

Grab one from the repository ..
There are many to choose from ..
place it in your /home/dsl directory..

Open a shell, and type ..
tar -ztf nameoftheme.tar.gz > list
Then look in the list file, and you'll see the paths/files
Now that your informed on how they're made, lets see some new ones!!


Posted by John73 on Nov. 16 2004,04:06
If they are themes from the My DSL Repository its even easier-

Just download them babies into a directory then browse to it with EmelFm and select it and hit MY DSL.  If you use the My DSL GUI they are going to /tmp .  If you download with lets say Firefox 1.0 they go by defualt to the home directory of the user.

Anyhow themes are realitivly easy to create and modify in Fluxbox/Blackbox.  Themes are all stored as a series of text files.  The menu is nothing more than a series of CLI commands.

Themes can also go into /usr/share/fluxbox/styles/ if you want to place them there, all users can then use the style then.  Likewise your JPG/PNG graphics can go anywhere you like them as long as you set the path in your style file or in your init file (the path must be set correctly though).

If you have set your own user up instead of using the default DSL user you need to make sure to place the themes in the right path.  If you are running as root, brave soul-BTW you should not do this as a habbit but most Windows users migrating will find it easier to initially do so (As all Windows home versions run the user as defualt with administrator privileges- one reason why its a security nightmare),  then the path is /root/.fluxbox/styles and /root/.fluxbox/backgrounds.

A side note-  If you use Synaptic and set up multiple users it is possible to have the different users run different WM eg; user1 runs fluxbox while user2 runs iceWM.  You can switch between the two by exiting the Window Manager use the su command, then use the cd command, then the startx command eg;

After exiting the WM and X at the prompt type:

su user
You will be asked for the user password-enter it
cd ~

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