screen saver odesn't seem to run :(

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: screen saver odesn't seem to run :(
started by: larrycow

Posted by larrycow on Jan. 06 2005,07:19
Hi !
I have just install dsl 0.9.2 on my tecra8100 (PIII 500Mhz with 128mo sdram)
It is fun. TO boot i need failsafe.
After installation i need to add lang=fr in lilo.conf

But it seems that there is no screen saver
Is it right ?
Does it run after sometime, ... i mean some long time :)

Other : is there a mean to disable the help window that always runs after login ?

Have a nice day :)


Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 06 2005,07:35

There is screen blanking ( goto black ) , but no active screensavers.

To remove the Dillo "Getting Started" page from autoloading,
rem the line in /home/dsl/.xinitrc that starts with the word Dillo.
(rem =  add a # character to the front of the line, called 'remark" )
This just makes the line a memo, rather than an instruction to run.
Makes it easy to replace or add back, rather than simply deleting it.

Using 'failsafe' makes many things not autodetect.
Try using some of the other options, like...
nopcmcia  noapci  noapic  vga=normal  nomca   etc ..

Once you find the one that works ( turning off what breaks the boot )
add it to your /etc/lilo.conf , and rerun lilo..
Then you'll get better autodetection, with dma, other devices, etc..

Let us know..


Posted by larrycow on Jan. 06 2005,14:30
Thanks !
i didn't really have a black screen : few lines on right side red and bleu (:(?), after few minutes ----> i think my . But that's right.
I gonna try to rem () the line for dillo.
The failsafe was just needed for the boot on livecd. Then a make an install and everything seems to run : network (i use dhcp), dma, sound.... i didn't still have tried usb.

i will feedback thus...

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