XFree86 on NM2070

Forum: X and Fluxbox
Topic: XFree86 on NM2070
started by: Majii

Posted by Majii on Feb. 18 2005,22:52
Ok, I've made some sort of progress with this as instead of a bunch of green and blue lines, I get a big white blank. At the moment I'm running DSL 9.1 (curious if 9.3 would work better, but haven't tried it yet).

The laptop's Hard Drive is shot so whatever I do, this has to be from CD and floppy. I've been unable to figure much out as I am a linux newbie. I love dsl on my desktop. Wonderful distro. I just need help figuring out how to get the video working on my old laptop. The only thing I've figured out so far, is how to get XFree86.dsl (mydsl-load XFree86.dsl)

I've read that XFree86 supports the NeoMagic video card (NM2070) but I can't figure out how to get it working. I've read config files and such, but I'm a bit lost. I haven't a clue where to start. Wish the HDD wasn't broken, might make this easier, but I'm kind of stuck with that. The display's known limits (ones I know of): 800x600 256 colors.

The floppy I use to boot from CD isn't the standard. All it does is make the CD work and allow it to be the boot device. So, after I get the prompt, I can swap the floppy out and use something else to set up a config file or something. (I'll also be saving work on floppy and server for larger files)

I'm stuck and could use some help.

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