Remaster help

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Remaster help
started by: JeffElkins

Posted by JeffElkins on Jan. 11 2006,20:07
I'm using DSL as a remaster base for my wife's upcoming birthday gift USB pendrive. It's going well, but I'm stuck on one area: changing the default user from dsl to her name.

Thus far I've changed the majority of what I _think_ needs to be changed in the minirt24.gz file, the passwd,shadow and init.d scripts, and KNOPPIX but after rc5.d finishes, I get a repeating loop of 'unknown id: dsl' - so something, somewhere is still looking for a dsl user.

Google gave me nada. Can someone point me in the correct direction?


Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 11 2006,20:34
in runlevel 5 (rc5.d), root su's to dsl...this is done in /.bash_profile.

A word of caution:  Practically everything in DSL focuses on user dsl.  I would not be at all surprised if you were to spend several days tracking down all references to dsl in order to change them to another user.

Posted by JeffElkins on Jan. 12 2006,00:14
Thanks Mikshaw!

That got me booted with my chosen uid. I was grepping my way through /etc and never examined a level above.

Appreciate it,


Posted by frankseu on Jan. 13 2006,08:48
Hi Jeff,

i also would like to change the DLS user in to an other
by my remaster.
Do you have a small instruction for me ?

Is it only changing the Name in the /etc/passwd
and changing the name of the homedir (and the script mentioned by mikshaw ?)

Would it be generaly possible to change the rc script like :
read the name with given uid from /etc/profile and then do the
su with this name ?

Would make thinks easier for remasters.


Posted by JeffElkins on Jan. 13 2006,13:21
I don't have it perfected by any means. So far, I've made my changes in the passwd,shadow and group files, various files in /etc/init.d, and yet more in /usr/bin. Grep is your friend :)
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