how do i duel boot with windows

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Topic: how do i duel boot with windows
started by: freak1452

Posted by freak1452 on Feb. 20 2006,06:49
i have windows 98 SE how can i duel boot it with DSL?
Posted by doobit on Feb. 20 2006,14:00
You will need to shrink your Windows partition using  something like Qparted. The dsl repository has a parted.dsl that will work. Then you make new partitions from the free space, and install DSL using the option under Apps->Tools->frugal grub install. These are very basic instructions, of course, but maybe that will get you going in the right direction.

< >

Posted by Howitzer on Feb. 20 2006,16:35
I wondered, does the GRUB in DSL(latest one) autodetect other OSes such as Windows XP and all and adds them to the menu.lst?
Because i suck at editing GRUB configs :s

Posted by doobit on Feb. 20 2006,16:43
At the end of the install script you will be asked if you have Windows installed on the first partition. Answer "y" and it will write the proper info in the menu.lst file.
Posted by Howitzer on Feb. 20 2006,16:59
I'm going for it then :D
Posted by RoGuE_StreaK on Feb. 20 2006,22:42
(has vision of windows and DSL dueling to the death to determine who will boot... :D )


Posted by doobit on Feb. 21 2006,01:48
David and Goliath story: ;):
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