Ok, I'm stuck. What do I do with this /dsl file?

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Topic: Ok, I'm stuck. What do I do with this /dsl file?
started by: xmastree

Posted by xmastree on Mar. 13 2006,10:35
I can't believe I'm asking such a basic question, considering I've been a linux user for some time now, but not dsl.

Anyway, I've downloaded some software, not actually from < here > but it's listed there, along with instructions how to use it.

'Copy to the root of your myDSL partition' It says. Well i've copied it to / but now what? How do I get it to show in any menu?

I'm used to applications installing their executables in /usr/bin or similar and running them with a command. Obviously this isn't the case here...

So, what's the vital piece I'm missing? This is so different from any other linux distro...

Posted by Onyarian on Mar. 13 2006,13:06
Have you download first the DSLxx.iso?
Have you burn it to a CD?
if yes,
boot the CD,
you can execute Emelfm, search the file you downloaded ( gamexxx.dsl ) and click the mydsl button,
now is in the menu (click right button on the desktop) mydsl to play with it.
If you have a DSL harddisk instalation, copy the file in / and every time you boot, you have it in the menu, or if you have a frugal instalation and in the bootmenu you select the partition for mydsl=hdX, and the file is in the hdX, it's in the menu too.

Hope it helps.

Posted by doobit on Mar. 13 2006,13:32
oops just noticed I'm repeating material.
Posted by xmastree on Mar. 13 2006,14:10
Quote (Onyarian @ Mar. 13 2006,21:06)
If you have a DSL harddisk instalation, copy the file in / and every time you boot, you have it in the menu,

I've installed dsl on the hard disk, and copied my .dsl file to the root directory, but I can't find it in any of the menus or in mydsl...

Posted by doobit on Mar. 13 2006,14:20
did you put mydsl=xxxx (the name of your root storage device) in the boot command line after dsl? That will make it load automatically at boot as Onyarian already stated. Also, as he already stated, you can open Emelfm, your graphical file manager, and select the app and click the mydsl button and it will appear in the mydsl menu when you right click anywhere on the desktop.
Posted by xmastree on Mar. 14 2006,00:19
Quote (doobit @ Mar. 13 2006,22:20)
d Emelfm, your graphical file manager, and select the app and click the mydsl button and it will appear in the mydsl menu when you right click anywhere on the desktop.

Ah, got it now. I misread the instructions before. I simply put it in the root and clicked on the mydsl button.
Of course, nothing happened, I hadn't selected the file first.

Next question, now that it's working, do I need to leave the .dsl file there in the root directory? Or can I remove it. Better still, can they be 'installed' from anywhere, so I could make a new directory to store any others I download? That would be much neater.


Posted by doobit on Mar. 14 2006,03:05
Yes, in fact the "getting started" instructions that pop up when you boot up tell you exactly that. You can make a directory called /optional in /cdrom which is a writeable directory.
Posted by humpty on Mar. 15 2006,23:00
think I better clear a few points here'

1. dsl apps can be installed from anywhere by double clicking on them using emelfm.

2. to use desktop r-click>mydsl>Install Option Extensions, this type of install needs the app to be placed in the 'optional' directory.

3. to auto install at boot time, the apps needs to be placed in the root directory of the knoppix image - OR you can use the boot option mydsl=xxxx where xxxx is an alternative partition, again it must be the root directory.

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