Couple of questions about mounting cdroms and usb

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Couple of questions about mounting cdroms and usb
started by: linuxlizard

Posted by linuxlizard on Mar. 14 2006,17:32
I have a couple of questions that are probably easy for someone, but hard for me!
I'm running dsl off of USB stick (sda1). My problems with mounting are these-

1) I have 2 cdrom drives. cdrom1 and cdrom2. They show up in my /etc/fstab. I cannot mount either one. For example to an audio cd or to put in a data cd. when I try with the mount tool, it says irregular. I think it also says they are both identified as cdrom.

2) I'm trying to make a directory on the USB stick to store whatever files I want to store. I can mount it, and go into emelfm to /mnt/sda1 and see it. As a normal user it denies permission when I try to make a directory. When I run emelfm as super-user I can make the directory, but I cannot change permissions to allow normal user access. When I try to change permissions (user:dsl group:staff) it says: chown: /mnt/sda1/storage: Operation not permitted

I don't want to use my hd for storage, only my usb key. My goal is to have a system I can use on my desktop and simply transfer over to my laptop when I'm away from home by taking the USB key with me. So I need to be able to use the key for data storage as well as keeping dsl's backup/restore files.

Thank you Kindly for your help!

Posted by pr0f3550r on Mar. 14 2006,19:25
1) Forgive the stupid question, but do you first insert the cd and try to mount it?
Have you tried to mount it it with efelm as root?
2) can you 'mount -a' and post the output?

Posted by linuxlizard on Mar. 14 2006,20:42
Thank you for your help.

When I insert an audio cd:

I use the mount tool and click on cdrom unmounted it says:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type.

when I sudo mount /dev/cdrom It says

/dev/cdrom: Input/output error
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

When I Emelfm as super-user to /mnt/cdrom and tell it to mount it says:

mount: can't find /mnt/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

With a Data CD with just text files and whatnot on it:

I use the mount tool and click on cdrom unmounted
The box turns purple and says irregular

when I sudo mount /dev/cdrom at first it appears all is well, however when I dir the cdrom, I get:

Events         index.html

In other words, it gives me the directory of DSL's CD, even though I don't have that in the drive and booted off my USB drive.

When I Emelfm as super-user to /mnt/cdrom and tell it to mount it reads the CD just fine! Heya!
You helped me find a way to access it at least. But something's definately screwy about that being the only way. Also still can't access my audio cds.

Posted by anaconda on Mar. 14 2006,22:12
You dont have to mount audio cd:s (or DVD-movies) The programs that can play (or copy or rip) from audio CD:s dont want those to be mounted!!! If you could mount them, the programs would want you to umount them before you use them...

It's the same in windows, you can't access audio cd:s with "mycomputer" only with programs, that know how to handle audioCD:s

Posted by anaconda on Mar. 14 2006,22:23
If you want to be able to mount CD:s as a normal user, you should have the CD in "/etc/fstab" file, and "user" as one argument.... (it should be automatically! unless you aded the drive after installing DSL..)

here is the line from my fstab-file:

/dev/cdrom  /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0

that is pretty much like mount command, but
ro =readonly
user=all users are allowed to mount cd (by:  "mount /cdrom" or from emelfm)
noexec= ?? not allowed to execute files from cd? is this really nessessary?

hmm.. I dont know when folder "/cdrom" is created, but /mnt/cdrom would be as good..  

Posted by linuxlizard on Mar. 15 2006,14:31
Thank you for your help folks! I've been using linux for a few years (fedora, Ubuntu) and never knew that about cds! LOL DSL is fun for me because I'm actually learning things, not just using linux.

DSL is growing on me more and more. I like fluxbox a lot- sort of reminds me of the old amiga days. Even Emelfm looks like something right off the amiga.

Anyway, thank you again. I'm posting another question on another thread now. I think after that I'll have things under control!

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