DSL desktop stats

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL desktop stats
started by: vees

Posted by vees on Mar. 17 2006,13:29

I really enjoy the see through desktop stats application which came after DSL 2.1.  The DSL book "DSL - Linux Operating System in less than 50MB" calls it the "slit".

I have never seen this application elsewhere although a variant of BSDon live-CD has something very similar.

What is the real full name of this application?  Does it exist for the "regular" Debian?



Posted by roberts on Mar. 17 2006,16:21
torsmo is the application name
Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 17 2006,16:24
The application is called < Torsmo >.  It is unrelated to the slit, which is a built-in part of Fluxbox and other Blackbox derivatives.  The slit is still there, but in a vanilla DSL version2 the slit is used only for the new mount/mixer combo application. The pager (fluxter) can be forced into the slit with the "-w" option, and some other applications can be loaded into it by using wmswallow.

I couldn't say if Torsmo is available in Debian, but it can be added if it's not.

Posted by vees on Mar. 17 2006,19:59
Thanks guys!  This is a great little application.  It does not exist for Debian Sarge (stable), but I got the tarball from sourceforge.

Cheers & thanks!


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