Enlarge system-font

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Enlarge system-font
started by: Key

Posted by Key on April 09 2006,12:40
I found something similar in:
< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....nd+font >

But I think, that there is more a problem, if the system-font is too small. For example, if you do a right-mouse-click for having a pull-down-menu. I wish to have this font (and others of course) bigger. This will make it easier to read them and to click them.

I don't want to change the screen resolution which is 1024x768 currently.

Posted by mikshaw on April 09 2006,16:01
There isn't really an easy way to do it, other than by decreasing your monitor resolution.  There is no centralized configuration for graphical applications in DSL like you might find when running a desktop environment such as KDE or Gnome.

The font in the right-click menu, if you're running fluxbox, is set in your current theme.  You can copy your chosen theme from /usr/share/fluxbox/styles into /home/dsl/.fluxbox/styles and edit the font line(s) in that.

For many GUI apps (beaver, emelfm, sypheed, etc), the look is controlled by the .gtkrc file in /home/dsl.  This will likely have one or more "include" lines which load other gtkrc files, but you can override fonts set in those files by adding your own after the include line(s). You may need to look through the gtk themes to see how fonts are set.

For some applications, you can set the font in /home/dsl/.Xdefaults.  The specific resource name depends mostly on the application, so you might need to read some man pages to find out which resources work for which apps.

Regardless of what you change, you will never change all fonts unless you get into some hacking of source code, but the above will change the majority of fonts in DSL.

Posted by Key on April 09 2006,19:13
This sounds interesting, thank you.

At the moment, as beginner, I can't imagine what is meant by "edit the font line(s) in that", but I will check the file-format and its requirements (graphical-based? or text-based?), when I look at it in the next days.

Posted by mikshaw on April 09 2006,19:19
all config files for fluxbox are plain text.

The styles will include at least one line that specifies the font or fonts used for particular parts of the fluxbox interface (toolbar.*font, menu.frame.font, etc., or just *.font for using the same font for everything).

Posted by Key on April 09 2006,19:25
This means, that I can change the font and size by editing the font-name / font-size in the text-file? This sounds easy.

I first thought that I have to edit bitmaps with a graphical utility :D

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