DSL and NFTS...?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL and NFTS...?
started by: prexus

Posted by prexus on April 10 2006,23:07
I've been recently having issues with my Win XP Home Ed. based machine, and can no longer access windows. The HD is still fine, though, and I want to move some files off it before formatting the machine. I tried to do it via DSL (moving files from the unbooting, NFTS hard drive to another, working NTFS hard drive). I can both hard drives as being read-only devices. Is there a workarround? Is there a way to work with NFTS in DSL? In another CD-Bootable Linux isntallation?


Posted by Winter Knight on April 11 2006,00:12
I can [access] both hard drives as being read-only devices.

That is because almost every linux distro will mark a mounted ntfs drive as read-only. And for good reason.

Is there a workarround?

Yes. That second hard drive, the one you are writing to, format as ext3, fat32, etc, anything but ntfs. If you can't do that, (maybe it has important information on it?) burn onto CD, use a pen drive, or find another blank hard drive.

Basically, you need to work around writing to an ntfs drive in linux.

Is there a way to work with NFTS in DSL?

Yes, you can work with ntfs as read-only :p

Is there a way to write to ntfs in linux? Well..... there is ALWAYS A.....A way. It would involve recompiling the kernel and including an experimental kernel module. Even then, I think you will just end up corrupting your disk.

In another CD-Bootable Linux isntallation?

Maybe. No, I don't think so.

Good luck. And feel fortunate that your data is still on your old hard drive in readable files.

Posted by jls legalize on April 11 2006,11:44
the new knoppix 5.0 has write access to ntfs partitions
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