loading kernel modules into DSL

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: loading kernel modules into DSL
started by: hswerdfe

Posted by hswerdfe on April 11 2006,13:38
I use DSL from CD with aps & pref on my USB stick.

what I would like, is to have fuse
< http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ >
load when I boot from CD.
and then automaticly mount my ssh server. via sshfs
< http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html >
I use dyndns.org to keep tabs on the ip address of the server.

anybody have any idea how I would go about doing somthing like that?


Posted by clacker on May 03 2006,02:50
hswerdfe, fuse + sshfs is pretty cool.  Did you get it to compile?  If not that's your first hurdle.  You'll need the kernel sources, the gcc compiler, and you'll need to run apt-get to get the libglib2.0-dev package.  I made an sshfs.dsl package that I can submit to the repository if that's too much work.

In the dsl I made an "Initialize sshfs" menu item that runs

sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26/kernel/fs/fuse/fuse.o
sudo ldconfig

Then you create a directory as your mount point

mkdir trump

finally you mount the ssh location

sshfs dsl@ trump

give your password and you're good to go.  Now doing an ls -l trump shows the directory of the remote host.  You can copy files to and from there just like it's a real directory.  To unmount, use sudo umount trump

You could add the sshfs.dsl to the root of your CD, then it would be loaded automatically.  Add the sudo insmod and sudo ldconfig lines to your /opt/bootlocal.sh, and whatever other startup things you need.  You may also need to add a sudo/etc/init.d/mkwriteable.sh line to make the system writeable, I don't know.

Posted by clacker on May 04 2006,11:36
hswerdfe, < sshfs.dsl > is now in the testing section of the repository.  Load it and choose "Initialize sshd" from the dsl menu to load the modules, and then have at it.

I thought it was pretty neat that you can use sshfs to connect to a remote machine using ssh and have that remote machine's directory be accessable to every program you have transparently, just like that remote drive was on your own machine.  So you can use beaver to edit files on the other machine, and basically use your system to run X applications on files located on the remote host.

Here is an example using your own machine as the remote host.  Normally you'd do this to another computer, but this was the only ssh connection I knew:

Code Sample
# load the sshfs.dsl package
# run the DSL->MyDSl->Initialize sshfs menu item

# give the user dsl a password:
sudo passwd dsl

# run the System->Daemons->ssh->start menu option to start the ssh daemon
# you only need this step for this example.  Normally the remote
# host runs the ssh daemon so you don't need to be running it.

# make a mountpoint
mkdir somedir

# mount the remote ssh connection.  The form is
# sshfs username@location:[directory] mountpoint
sshfs dsl@ somedir

ls -l somedir/
beaver somedir/Events
# you can navigate to somedir/.xtdesktop and edit the dillo.png icon

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