read only dir

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: read only dir
started by: hswerdfe

Posted by hswerdfe on April 22 2006,19:46
running DSL from CD
with option
Code Sample

I added
Code Sample

to the file
Code Sample

and rebooted

but I still can not write to that directory
even as root.both user and group is listed as 1000
all I want to do is install some mycroft plugins.
is there an easy way to do this?

Posted by mikshaw on April 22 2006,20:02
/usr is a symlink to /KNOPPIX/usr until you install a *.dsl extension or run /etc/mkwriteable.  It's possible that even after doing this, files in /usr/local/firefox might link into the read-only KNOPPIX filesystem.

Is it possible to create a user searchplugins directory in /home/dsl/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>?

Posted by hswerdfe on April 22 2006,20:58
creating the search plugins in
Code Sample

or in there about does not seam to work.
there is a bug about it in bugzilla marked as fixed. but there is arguments about if it is actually fixed.
as for
Code Sample

it does not seem to exist on my DSL cd
and I can't find a man page or howto on google.
is it the same as the "toram" boot option?
does it take arguments?
like "mkwriteable /usr/local/firefox" ?
would I have to add it to a startup script?

thanks how
my system is low ram so if it is the same as toram its not a good option, for me.

Posted by mikshaw on April 22 2006,23:45
sorry...i typed the wrong path.  It's /etc/init.d/mkwriteable.  It's not the same as toram, and it's not really documented anywhere.  It's automatically run if you install a myDSL package with a *.dsl filename, but can also be run directly by root (sudo /etc/init.d/mkwriteable) or forced to run during boot with the "dsl write" boot option.

What it does is open up the /usr, /bin, and /sbin directories so you can write to them. These directories start off as symlinks to the read-only knoppix filesystem, and the script replaces the symlinks with copies of the original directories. However, most of the files within those directories remain symlinks to the files in /KNOPPIX, so you would need to overwrite the symlinks with copies of the /KNOPPIX/something/* files if you want to modify them.  I'm not sure if the firefox files fall into this category.  The re-linking of the directories' contents as a replacement for linking the directories themselves is a sort of tradeoff so you can still write, but your ram isn't being sucked up by having the whole decompressed filesystem copied into it.

Posted by hswerdfe on April 23 2006,20:11
yah thanks mikshaw
but Its a no go.  I tried running mkwritable.
and I do see what it does now a simple
"ls -l /"
tells me some degree
but the firefox folder is still not writable.

ahh well...I tryied to modify the faq in the dsl wiki to explain to people what dir's are writable and what is not as I don't believe it is clear. but sadly the wiki is locked.

I am thinking about maybe mounting something on that dir to solve the issue
not sure if this will work , but it is the current plan.

I kinda thought that was what the backup.tar.gz file was doing anyway..

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