What's your distro?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: What's your distro?
started by: kerry

Posted by kerry on July 01 2006,23:33
Try this-> < http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/ >
Posted by mikshaw on July 02 2006,01:06
Just my opinion, but i think this questionnaire is practically useless.  There are too few questions, and the questions that are asked are much too generalized ("what desktop environment do you prefer" is a good example of a poor question with even poorer answer choices).   This is the third time i've done this quiz, and very minor differences in answers result in huge differences in suggested distros.

Overall, I give it an A for concept and three thumbs down for execution.

Posted by kerry on July 02 2006,01:18
It's just for fun. I don't think they include enough distro's. it's funny when i take the test it always picks fedora for me, that is so wrong i'm a debian based person all the way. :D
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