saving profile files in user home folderForum: Other Help Topics Topic: saving profile files in user home folder started by: someuser77 Posted by someuser77 on Oct. 14 2006,16:15
Hello,If i want to add a .myConfigrc file to the 'dsl' user home folder and the 'root' user home folder so it will be known by bash can i just copy it to /root and /home/dsl/ and remaster? maybe also /etc/skel? edit: i want to make changes to .vimrc and .inputrc and i want those changes to be saved when i remaster. can i just copy it to /etc/skel? Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 14 2006,19:42
For dsl's files they are copied from /etc/skel during boot.Root doesn't have any personal configs to start with in DSL. Add any root-specific configs to /root. Whether or not these files are actually used depends on how you become root. If you use "sudo <command>", root uses dsl's configs. If you use "sudo su" root uses its own configs. Depending on what type of configuration file it is, you could instead add/modify files in the base filesystem for systemwide use. For the two you mentioned it should work by modifying /etc/inputrc and adding /usr/share/vim/vim61/macros/vimrc (that file doesn't exist, but that's DSL's systemwide config for vim according to vi --version). Posted by someuser77 on Oct. 14 2006,19:49
Thanks for your reply mikshaw.I changed /etc/skel/.vimrc, /etc/inputrc and /root/.vimrc to fit my needs. looks okay. Posted by someuser77 on Oct. 15 2006,13:22
Nope, when i remaster the /root/.vimrc file is not saved. ![]() If /etc/skel/.vimrc effects only the dsl user, how can i make some .vimrc file that will effect root? Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 15 2006,13:56
Files in /etc/skell are there for regular users. When you create a new user, those files are copied to the new user's home directory. As I said, root's personal configs are stored in /root. I have no idea if this directory is copied from /KNOPPIX during boot, or if it's simply created empty, so adding files to /root in a remaster might not work.In any case, you could use the systemwide vimrc mentioned above, which will be used by root and any other user who doesn't have a personal .vimrc file. |