line in fstab is bad

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: line in fstab is bad
started by: antonino

Posted by antonino on Oct. 22 2006,15:50
Hi all,

During booting I get the following message:

[mntent]: line 3 in /etc/fstab is bad
[mntent]: line 4 in /etc/fstab is bad

The content of my /etc/fstab is:

Code Sample
/dev/hda3  /  ext2  defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  1
proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0
/dev/fd0  /mnt/auto/floppy  auto vfat  defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022  0  0
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/auto/cdrom  auto iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
# partitions found by dsl
#/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
#/dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3 ext2 noauto,users,exec 0 0
#/dev/hdg /mnt/hdg iso9660 noauto,users,exec 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

Anyone seeing what's wrong here?

Help & advice are appreciated!


Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,14:49
In lines 3 and 4, I'm guessing you can take out "vfat" and "iso9660" maybe.
Posted by antonino on Oct. 24 2006,13:13
Yep, one directive too much... Overlooked it and still wondering how it got there.
So thanks!
alas I still get the following error when trying to mount /dev/fd0 using the mounttool:

mount: can't find /dev/fd0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

/dev/fd0 is in /etc/fstab but not in /etc/mtab. Should it be in both?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,13:33
I think mtab contains the ones currently mounted - similar to just running `mount`.

Can you mount it manually?
i.e. # mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/auto/floppy

Posted by antonino on Oct. 24 2006,13:46
mtab: aha!

Yes, and even with mount /dev/fd0, due to fstab...
Only this *&%3#@ mounttool...

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,13:53
Afaik, the mount tool only looks in /mnt ... and the rest is up to your fstab.

What's currently in /etc/fstab now?

Posted by antonino on Oct. 24 2006,14:14
fstab now contains:

/dev/hda3  /  ext2  defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  1
proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0
/dev/fd0  /mnt/auto/floppy  auto defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022  0  0
/dev/cdrom  /mnt/auto/cdrom auto defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
# partitions found by dsl
#/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0
#/dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3 ext2 noauto,users,exec 0 0
#/dev/hdg /mnt/hdg iso9660 noauto,users,exec 0 0
# Added by KNOPPIX
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=1001,gid=50 0 0

So when I do $mount /dev/fd0 the floppy gets mounted on /mnt/auto/floppy

As far as mtab is concerned, yes it contains the devices mounted, just as you pointed out.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 24 2006,17:05
I suppose you manually edited your file... but here's what mine has
Code Sample
/dev/fd0 /mnt/auto/floppy auto user,noauto,exec,umask=000 0 0

Posted by antonino on Oct. 25 2006,12:43
Yes, probably did & forgot...

I changed the line so it's the same as yours, but to no avail...
The mounnttool keeps telling me it can't find /dev/fd0 in /etc/fstab

Some rights-problem maybe?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 25 2006,15:47
Well maybe you can check the permissions by
ls -l /mnt/
ls -l /mnt/auto/

Posted by antonino on Oct. 25 2006,16:13
Well, I 777-th almost everything (/mnt/auto/floppy, /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab), but still the mounnttool keeps telling me it can't find /dev/fd0 in /etc/fstab...
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 25 2006,17:34
Well, the listing can also so if it's owned by root:root.

What I'd suggest is for you to boot up a plain livecd and see if it works there.

Posted by antonino on Oct. 26 2006,16:44
I can't boot from cd, but I booted from fd0 (poor man's install) and user dsl can mount fd0 with the mounttool.
It fails when using the system with another user logged in.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 26 2006,19:16
Ah, I really only use the 'dsl' user anyways... but then I don't have a floppy drive here so I can't check.

Can you just use the dsl user instead?

Posted by antonino on Oct. 27 2006,14:25
Yep, I can use dsl as user instead, but I like to have a username of my own. It is not that important, but I just wondered why I can't mount with the mounttool while mounting from the prompt is not a problem at all.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 27 2006,15:48
Just a thought - is the floppy mounted on start? Try changing the "user" on the fstab floppy line to "users".  This allows all users to unmount a device that was originally mounted by another user.

Also, what's the group that your 'new' user belongs to?  Check that it belongs to the "staff" group.

Do you get a similar error if you try to mount a cdrom?

Posted by antonino on Oct. 27 2006,16:40
No, the  floppy is not mounted on start.
I changed user to users in fstab, but no change at all.

This user - called aca (my initials) is member of group staff.

Trying to mount the cdrom (or another mountable dev) from the mounttool does not only produce a similar error, but exactly the SAME: can't find /dev/fd0 in /etc/fstab...
Isn't that funny?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 27 2006,16:48
Quick checking in the mount tool scripts shows that it uses sudo to mount regardless whether if you user has permission or not.

Either edit the scripts, or give your user sudo access. (does it currently have sudo access?)

Posted by antonino on Oct. 28 2006,14:13
The user aca is in the sudoers file.
Can you tell me where to find the mount tool scripts?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 30 2006,00:04
Usually I first check the fluxbox menu in ~/.fluxbox/menu
Then open the various files in some text editor.

Posted by Winter Knight on Nov. 04 2006,03:09
Weird things can happen when you make your own user in DSL. It really isn't designed to be a multi-user system. A lot of the scripts are hard-coded to only work with user dsl.
Posted by antonino on Nov. 04 2006,16:26
Well, then I better stop trying to get things wortking for another user and start using user dsl and stop waistinmg otherts valubel time  :D
Both Winter Knight & ^thehatsrule^, thanks for your help and advice.

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