DSL suddenly stop, freez

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL suddenly stop, freez
started by: pattmark

Posted by pattmark on Oct. 23 2006,05:34
im not an expert, my english either... :D

im trying to use linux to revive and old laptop, :cool:
pentium 2, 64 ram, 4 hd,
i use puppy, livecd, start fine and quick, but as soon i start seamonkey it REALLY slowndown, :angry: very slow, so i search another linux and found DSL
i use livecd, start fine, all hardware is found and funtionally, something puppy dont get, also even running from cd, and launching firefox runs great, i am typing this topic from the laptop using DSL :)

the problem i have is that when i open many tabs in firefox, or 2 tabs with large sites, i suspect is the memory, DSL stop responding, no mouse, no keyboard, cd stop spinning, screen not black but like a static picture, the mouse pointer with a clock ... you get the picture

i almost sure has to be i reach the total memory, but im not an expert and mostly gueesing ???
the only problem i have, other than that i really like DSL

is something i can do about it?
i understand DSL is the best linux for old hardware, is there another i should try?
any help or comment is much apreciated
pd. YES, i like the Smilies

Posted by mikshaw on Oct. 23 2006,14:26
Definitely a memory issue, as far as I can tell.
First thing I'd do is consider if adding more ram is possible.
Second, make a swap partition, something like 128mb or more.
Third, do you NEED to use firefox? Does Dillo work for you?

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,14:52
I'd recommend Opera if you need browser features - it uses less resources and I personally prefer it over firefox.
Posted by pattmark on Oct. 23 2006,16:39
hi mikshaw,
its hard find memory for my laptop, the ones that found cost $95 for 128mb sodimm, not really cheap... dillo was a nice surprise, never hear of ti before, but some sites just dont display correctly
the swap thing, can you tell me how, i dont have a clue.
need i install dsl to my hard disk, use frugal or the other, or still use livecd?

also i have one sodimm 64 ram,
is ok that in desktop RAM usage show 35.9/60.5 and not 35.9/64

when dsl just start from livecd RAM is 21/60, the 35.9/60.5 is running firefox  typing this reply

im almost sure that when system frez, stop responding, is something like 45, but not for sure, is this ok?

can i change something, i prefer that instead of the system stop responding, firefox shutdown. some safety system memory.
maybe this sound ridicously to you, maybe its imposible, but im not an expert, just try to learn some linux.

hi thehat,
i definitly prefer Opera, is the only browser i use on windows, can i use opera from the livecd, or need install dsl in harddrive. how can install it.

im planing install the linux that run better and with less problems in my harddrive, but this isue, the system frezing, cant live with that, thats because i request one way to prevent it, maybe some system configuration, can the swap partition prevent it?

thanks a lot for the help, both of you

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Oct. 23 2006,19:08
You could make a Linux swap partition with cfdisk (on your hard drive).  If you have enough space, you can make it around 128-256mb.

The exact numbers don't really matter.

The swap will help you from reaching memory limits, as it adds to the total virtual memory.  In windows, linux, mac os, I have always had problems when 'power' surfing - which would typically end up with a reboot.  I know Linux does have some autokill already (forgot what's it called - slipped my mind), but I don't think it's included/enabled in DSL by default...

Opera is available in several versions and packages in MyDSL.

Posted by pattmark on Oct. 29 2006,00:26
As i understad cfdisk cant resize a partition, i cant kill my partition yet.
I try creating a dos swapping file from the menu, it created a file in my partition where i have win98, it exist,but DSL dont use it, did i have to enable it some way?

Also, this is interesting, i try to check the exact memory used when my dsl stop by resizing firefox, before i always use it at full screen, surprise, when not in full screen, firefox just close, i can still using dsl, ustt the meory usage stay higher like when using firefox, so i guess is a bug from dsl or firefox, dont know... but again im guessing since im not an expert.

Posted by mrs peanut on Oct. 29 2006,09:07
i just replied to your other post,but isee you want to keep windows 98.
i couldnt get the swapfile to work so i just wiped the hard drive and made a swap partition.
i also had problems with firefox just closing so it probably is a memory thing. also the cpu was at 100% when firefox closed or the laptop froze which i think is because the laptop is only 233mhz processor and 96 memory. but since installing dsl with a frugal install and swap partition, it runs ok now.
i never did find out how to make the swap file work.

Posted by pattmark on Oct. 30 2006,01:44
i will follow your steps mrs peanut, i will get rid of windows and start fresh.

just little help, how can i create the swap partition and the partition for frugal install, how format it, i use fdisk before, also create and manage partitions on windows, is it diferent, what format should i use, how can i format a partition in dsl.

Posted by mrs peanut on Oct. 30 2006,10:10
to make a swap partition

run the live cd and open a terminal
type sudo cfdisk at the prompt and you should see a list of your partitions
as you are running from live cd,you can delete your windows partition.(if you are sure you want to)

to create the partition on hda1from the free space you have made type n (or create, from the menu)
select type from the menu to change file system type to linux 82(swap) partition or  entering t.   and decide what size to make it - at least double your actual memory and a bit more.
then you select write to write the partition table.
exit and reboot with the live cd again and it should now recognise your swap partition.
from the right click menu in dsl go to apps,tools,frugal install and follow the instructions. dsl will do the rest. you can choose grub or lilo bootloader,i chose grub, personal choice.

i hope this helps you and is clear enough to follow without problems.

Posted by pattmark on Nov. 03 2006,05:24
ok, i delete my partitions.

im trying but without success dsl see the swap partition.

i try a lot of configurations, from the entire hard disk one swap partition, many swap, ones linux and others swap, but never get dsl see the swap.

also i try a lot installing frugal with swap partitions, diferent sizes, diferent number of partitions, all without success.

i have several days, and forget the number i used cfdisk, install and reboot, im about to give up.

i asume that when the swap partition has enabled, something changes in the desktop where swap below ram, im actually testing if the swap is on, if i use more ram that without dsl freezing, please tell me how can i see if the swap is on, it can short my test process.

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