Terminal disappears

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Terminal disappears
started by: Themuzz

Posted by Themuzz on Dec. 30 2006,16:27
OKe, short story;

i installed dsl on an old computer (on the hdd). It worked perfectly and i'm kinda looking what i can do with it (linux is new for me).

But now when i click on the ATerminal the screen pop-ups and disappears...

Anyone knows what i've done wrong?

grtz themuzz

Posted by roberts on Dec. 30 2006,18:25
How installed? What boot options? How much memory? As what user?
Posted by Themuzz on Dec. 30 2006,18:27
installed it from the live cd.
i'm logged in as dsl user (i've chosen not for a multiple account system)
32 mb memory

Posted by eeffoC on Feb. 03 2007,13:13
hm same here after a remaster..

Aterm pops up very shortly and disappears again!

Any Ideas where to look for the solution ie wich files to check or sth?

Posted by eeffoC on Feb. 03 2007,13:51
Interesting Thread:

< http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....l=aterm >

Same here, Aterm belongs to user root after remaster... not wanting to remaster again today I just put an "sudo" before the aterm calls in .fluxbox/menu so it temporarly works again for me

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