How download and MyDsl ext. ?Forum: Other Help Topics Topic: How download and MyDsl ext. ? started by: Martin1mest Posted by Martin1mest on Jan. 03 2007,16:33
Y am used Fedora Core 1 some years ago.There was y installer/downloader named synaptic or something like that... Installing was easy... But in there in DSL y dont know how download MyDsl ext. and install them... With Terminal? NB! Y am beginner in linux oses ![]() Y used FC 1 only 1.month Posted by Martin1mest on Jan. 03 2007,19:21
2 more questions ...How y can log in with root rights ? How y can change premissions ? (Y wanna add my own background pics, but y can't) Posted by Martin1mest on Jan. 04 2007,06:31
Why nobody help me ?Ok, yes my english language is bad ! (in my country are now morning ) ![]() Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 04 2007,12:41
There is information about MyDSL in the wiki:< > If you have a traditional (debian-style, fully-writable) harddrive install of DSL, you can install apt-get/synaptic through the MyDSL system and then use these tools as you would on Debian. You can still use them in frugal/liveCD, but it's not as convenient as MyDSL. NOTE: It has been less than 24 hours since you first posted. This is a relatively small forum, and there is not always someone logged in who can help. Posted by Martin1mest on Jan. 04 2007,13:55
Yes y have installed it into harddrive. ' But where y use that command ? In terminal ?! And where will synaptic will be installed? Again: Sorry for my bad english... e: correction e: deleted some text, y found info on wiki Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 04 2007,14:26
In the desktop menu, there should be a few items of particular interest to you. One is "enable apt", which will install the dsl-dpkg myDSL extension and (i think) restore the dpkg data that was stripped from DSL.Another item is "Synaptic", which will run Synaptic if you already have it installed. If you don't, it will enable apt as above and then use dpkg (or apt-get, to be specific) to install Synaptic from a Debian repository. A third item of interest is "upgrade to gnu-utils", which installs the gnu-utils myDSL extension, overwriting many of the Busybox tools that come with DSL. I don't think this is absolutely necessary, but it apparently is needed to install certain deb packages. Posted by Martin1mest on Jan. 04 2007,15:40
In instllation synaptyc y get sutch error"" Calling the dpkg restore script... Downgrading apt back to version 0.5.4... Connecting to : 80 wget: server returned error 404: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found touch: /var/tmp/synfailt: No such file or directory An error occured while trying to get apt downgrade press return to continue... "" Server not anymore avalibe ? --- Ok y founded from < > synaptic.dsl and installed it. Thanks Posted by meltdown_override on Jan. 06 2007,04:15
Im having the same problem. So I had to modify the /etc/apt/source.list. Now apt-get and synaptic works,but there is a problem. synaptic is missing some apps. I do alot of experimentations to the system most people would'nt do. So naturally I tend to toast DSL from time to time. Usually when this happens I just do a clean install. Then I upgrade to GNU utils,enable apt, and hit synaptic in the tools menu. Then the first thing I download is sndconfig,but this time that did not happen. I also got the 404 and other errors,but did a search and someone mention the editing /etc/apt/source.list with beaver to remove oldstable and replace it with stable.That solves most of the problems.Does anyone know if its a server problem or a config problem?