Get file list from unc

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Get file list from unc
started by: Juanito

Posted by Juanito on Jan. 13 2007,09:19
Is there a way to get a list of the files in a unc extension from the extension?

The reason I ask, is that I would like to add/change some files in an extension and I would like to avoid starting from scratch, eg downloading the packages, editing the file lists, making a dsl and converting it to a unc...

Posted by JB4x4 on Jan. 13 2007,09:23
Look in /opt for the directory pertaining to the extension your working on.  UNC's are mounted there (similar to a UCI) before they are added to the filesystem with Unionfs.
Posted by Juanito on Jan. 13 2007,13:28
Thanks - but knowing this, is there a way to generate a text file similar to that obtained by "dpkg -L package_name > package_name.txt"
Posted by mikshaw on Jan. 13 2007,13:57
Well....while it's mounted you can do
find /opt/package_name > package_name.txt

However, this will list user.tar.gz (if it exists) rather than any specific files installed into /home/dsl

Posted by roberts on Jan. 13 2007,23:24
When I want to 'work' on a unc extension, I do the following:

1. Mount it

  mkdir /opt/xyz
  mount xyz.unc /opt/xyz.unc -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop63

2. Unpack it

   mkdir /home/dsl/xyz
   tar -C /opt/xyz.unc -cf - . | tar -C /home/dsl/xyz -xf -

3. Make changes

   cd /home/dsl/xyz

   -- edit changes as required --

4. Pack it backup

   cd ..
   mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad xyz/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > xyz.unc


In fact if you wish to try to go from debs to unc, give this a try:

I will use the deb package feh as an example.
Also note you MUST start with an empty /var/cache/apt/archives

apt-get -d -y install feh
mkdir /opt/feh
for DEB in `ls -1 /var/cache/apt/archives/`; do
  dpkg -x "$DEB" /opt/feh
cd /opt
mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad feh/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > /home/dsl/feh.unc

Then try the mydsl-load feh.unc, if it works, then use the above procedure to open it up to add a user.tar.gz for menu and optional icon item.

Have fun.

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Jan. 14 2007,01:14
I think the line
 dpkg -x "$DEB" /opt/deb

should be
 dpkg -x "$DEB" /opt/feh

Posted by roberts on Jan. 14 2007,04:54
Yes, indeed, hats, I should not have chosen a three letter package, it would have been easier for me to see. I now so strugle with my poor vision. I have now corrected the original post.

Posted by Juanito on Jan. 18 2007,16:35
Maybe I'm missing something, but I cannot get this to work - here's what happens when I try to unpack, edit and repack a unc:

# mkdir /opt/bluez-utils
# mount /mnt/sda1/mydsl/optional/bluez-utils1.unc /opt/bluez-utils -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloop63
# mkdir /home/dsl/bluez-utils
# tar -C /opt/bluez-utils -cf - . | tar -C /home/dsl/bluez-utils -xf -
# cd /home/dsl/bluez-utils
# cd ..
# mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad bluez-utils/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > bluezutils.unc
Using _RR_M000 for  /.rr_moved (.rr_moved)
mkisofs: Error: '(NULL POINTER)' and 'bluez-utils/.rr_moved' have the same Rock Ridge name '.rr_moved'.
mkisofs: Unable to sort directory
Partial read (0 bytes of 65536), padding with zeros.
[ 9] Block#     0 size      0 ->     84 [compression ratio 100%, overall: 100%]

gzip(0):     0 (    0%)
gzip(1):     0 (    0%)
gzip(2):     0 (    0%)
gzip(3):     0 (    0%)
gzip(4):     0 (    0%)
gzip(5):     0 (    0%)
gzip(6):     0 (    0%)
gzip(7):     0 (    0%)
gzip(8):     0 (    0%)
gzip(9):     1 (1e+02%)
7zip:     0 (    0%)

Block size 65536, number of blocks 1.

BTW - what does the "tar" command do in this context?

Posted by roberts on Jan. 18 2007,17:47
After your mount of bluez, if you take a look at the files, seems that there is permission problems, andor inode issues. It looks atypical.
Perhaps because of fat filesystem of sda1?

The tar pipe is a low resouce method of copy from read-only mounted cloop.

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