
Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Ucis?
started by: Poindexter

Posted by Poindexter on Mar. 02 2007,00:33
In < http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Cheat_Codes > it says:  "opt=hdaX Use /mnt/hdaX/opt for your opt directory. Commonly known as "persistent opt." Note that ucis which mount here will not be here on reboot, because they are aren't really written there. tar.gzs, on the other hand, are really written here, and so will still be here on reboot."
What are ucis? ???

Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Mar. 02 2007,00:37
See < http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/mydsl/ >
Posted by mikshaw on Mar. 02 2007,03:08
.uci extensions are compressed cloop files that are mounted rather than unpacked. These extensions are mounted into a directory under opt. These are the safest extensions to use on low ram systems. If a .uci is stored on the hard drive, it will use almost no RAM.

< http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Category:MyDSL >

The phrase "it will use almost no RAM" might be a bit misleading. The ram mentioned is actually the ramdisk created to run the DSL filesystem. The application itself will of course use whatever ram it needs during runtime, but the program files do not take up any of the DSL ramdisk in the way that *.dsl and *.tar.gz extensions do.

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