Tool to config soundcard.

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Tool to config soundcard.
started by: schopenhauer101

Posted by schopenhauer101 on Mar. 05 2004,11:52

I got an old fujitsu l440 laptop that has been working fine under redhat 7.3, but now i want to change OS into DSL. The problem is that it cant autoconfig the soundcard. Redhat couldnt do that either, but than i could just use a redhat-tool to fix it a soundconfigurator called sndconfig. I just added the same values as the one used for the good ol' Soundblaster, and then,,, music maestro!

Can i in one or another way make DSL belive that i got a soundblaster card in order to get sound? At the web i found some cryptic hints that some tweaked version of redhats app, sndconfig, has been used as somekind of help tool for knoppix when soundcard havent been identified. I cant get full info on this topic anyway.

It would be cool if someone could help me out with this one, if possible, so i can migrate into the lovely world of hd-installed DSL and leave Redhat behind me.

Take care!

Posted by schopenhauer101 on Mar. 05 2004,12:20
I just find the mentioned tool, sndconfig, when i searched knoppix 3.3.
Hope its going to work out in DSL.

Take care


Shit, it does NOT work out, not at all. Why not? Well that is because the sndconfig tool gets a "segmentation failure" when it run. I read about it at the knoppix forum, this is a famous bug that seem to make the whole tool useless in knoppix.

Question; Is it possible to manually add irq and dma settings (the settings used by Soundblaster do work perfectly for my ESS1879-soundcard)? Anyone knows in WHICH FILES and how, it should be done if i do a hardware install? Or is there another less painfull way?

Sigh... i begin to wonder if i ever will be able to use DSL and Knoppix/Debian on this old laptop or if i have to stick with the loathsome redhat-distro.

Take care.

Posted by schopenhauer101 on Mar. 06 2004,00:57
I found a solution after just one whole day of browsing. Ok lets share;

My soundblaster compatible card got happy when this was added in "modules.conf" and that might go for your card if it is SB as well, try it if you desperate:

alias sound-slot-0 sb
options sound dmabuf=1
alias synth0 opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330

Take care

Posted by hasty on Mar. 06 2004,19:28
Good work
.... and thanks for posting your results.
It's probably already helped someone, but we may never know :)

Posted by Dan Mooney on Mar. 18 2004,19:42
Hi I'm a newbie to linux but have some programming experience. I used your configuration notes, and just changed the irq and my sound card came up without a hitch. (it took me a while to figure out that  i had to do update-modules though). Thanks.  and Nice bit of sleuthing.

Posted by ke4nt1 on April 16 2004,20:41
Yes !!!  a great find.. Tnx fer sharing.

I saw similar info at dag.wieers about my laptop.
IBM 770 Thinkpad. - setup for Redhat 7.1

Another posting elsewhere suggested to
sudo to root in a terminal,
add your alias and option lines to /etc/modutils/aliases,
save, and THEN run update-modules for debian-type OS.

Worked like a champ for me on two different old laptops.
IBM 770  - cs4232 soundcard
Compaq Preasario 1622 - ess 18xx soundcard.

There are SO many posts throughout this site about
sound card issues.  I hope this info can be placed in a more
prominent place for people to find.


Posted by ke4nt1 on April 16 2004,20:48
Here are the alias and option lines to add for the
IBM thinkpad 770/765/etc. line of laptops.

alias sound-slot-0 cs4232
alias synth0 opl3
options sound dmabuf=1
options opl3 io=0x388
options cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=5


Posted by lostcity on Aug. 21 2004,19:46
Quote (schopenhauer101 @ Mar. 05 2004,19:57)
I found a solution after just one whole day of browsing. Ok lets share;

My soundblaster compatible card got happy when this was added in "modules.conf" and that might go for your card if it is SB as well, try it if you desperate:

alias sound-slot-0 sb
options sound dmabuf=1
alias synth0 opl3
options opl3 io=0x388
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330

Take care

since it wasn't stated and I am new to linux, I assumed that the additional entry to modules.conf went in /etc/modules.conf

Is this correct?

thanks in advance and pardon my blundering

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 21 2004,20:46
If it's for a hard-drive install,
I put my lines in the aliases file under /etc/modutils
Then run update-modules..

If for a LiveCD , the update-modules command doesn't run the same.
But you can put lines in your like
"insmod sb io=0x530 irq=5" etc.etc...

Or even try the line
"modprobe sb"


Posted by jerome5 on Aug. 30 2004,03:54

My sound card dosent work either. Its a SoundMax Digital integrated sound card. I figuer its sound blaster compatible (arent all sound cards?) so could I get some very specific instructions on what to do here?

The auto config tools dont work.

There are SO many posts throughout this site about
sound card issues.  I hope this info can be placed in a more
prominent place for people to find.

See why we need an FAQ?


Posted by cbagger01 on Aug. 30 2004,04:03

SoundMax is a special cusstom Intel soundchip set.

Some of the older SoundMax sets work correctly out of the box.

However, if you have one of the newer ICH5 motherboards based on the Intel 865/875P chipset then you will need ALSA to listen to sounds.

My computer (Dell 400SC, Pentium 4 2.8HGZ with 800MHz FSB) requires alsa in order to work.

Hopefully, I can create an ALSA extension that will work with DSL.

In the meantime, you should be able to use a distro with alsa like knoppix 3.4 or Feather Linux 0.5.7
Just make sure to add "alsa" to the boot command line


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