booting prob

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: booting prob
started by: tzz

Posted by tzz on Aug. 13 2004,03:17
hi.. i get stuck half way booting in to dsl. it gets stuck at "Probing SCSI... dtc.o"
is there a way around it? what is the problem?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 13 2004,03:42
There are some known issues with Knoppix and some scsi cards..

What scsi card are you using?

If you do not have a scsi card, does the boot command "dsl noscsi" work ?


Posted by tzz on Aug. 13 2004,04:23
well, the noscsi method seems to work ..thanks !! but i've got another ques now.
how do i run to commands at once? like i want it to run dsl noscsi and to run it at dsl 2( command lines only)?? can i do that ??

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 13 2004,04:54

Try "dsl 2 noscsi" or
      "dsl nosci 2"

You can use many options from the F2 menu at the same time...


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