South Paw Mouse ?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: South Paw Mouse ?
started by: two_black_dogs

Posted by two_black_dogs on Jan. 21 2004,03:08
My DSL CD just came in today's mail; I ordered it from the DSL site.  :)
I set the BIOS to boot from CD-ROM, and just took the OK option for everything.
It started up, and I'm trying to learn to use it by just "poking around", but I have run into a snag.
I can't seem to figure out how to make my mouse "Left Handed".

What passes for "Control Panel" in DSL, and how do I access it from the Desktop ?

Posted by two_black_dogs on Jan. 08 2005,19:38
It's been a year, and I have since tried Knoppix, Morphix, and Slax, all of which have a simple utility in KDE for this.
I also found out that this is supposed to reverse the mouse button function when added to .xinitrc:
Code Sample

# Reverse the mouse buttons for left handed use
xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1"

However, apparently this must be added to the .xinitrc before the iso is burnt, so there is no way to make fluxbox a lefty unless you do it before hand. :-(
Since I'm on dial up and my CDs come by mail, this is not an option.

If anyone knows of another way, LET ME KNOW, PLEASE !

Posted by ke4nt1 on Jan. 08 2005,20:41
DSL ?  
you need to upgrade to a later version for this fix to work..
Support for < 0.7.3 has been dropped many months ago.

Edit your .xinitrc file as you've shown..
Then, Make sure the line
is in your /home/dsl/filetool.lst file. ( it usually is )
Then run your backup.. ( to wherever you normally save it )
When you reboot DSL, your backup should restore your edited .xinitrc file
before starting X , giving you the proper mouse buttons..

Even with ....
Can you edit your .xinitrc, adding those lines ABOVE the line that says
fluxbox ( it MUST be the last line )
Then exit X (ctrl-alt-bksp) and restart X (startx)
and see if it changed for you?


Posted by two_black_dogs on Jan. 11 2005,23:33
Great, Thanks !!!

DSL does not have a fluxbox line in xinitrc.
Here is the whole file.
Code Sample

# put X windows programs that you want started here.
# Be sure to add at the end of each command the &
# enhance &
dillo file:///etc/motd &>/dev/null &

BUT ...
My DSL 0.9.1 cd just came in the mail. :laugh:

I will give this a try and post the results.

Posted by two_black_dogs on Jan. 17 2005,03:43
It doesn't seem to be working.
I tried the line in both versions.
Does it need the ampersand, or I maybe need to put that line in at the boot prompt ?

I'm liking DSL more and more, because there's other things like and shutdown not working right in 0.9.1.
What happened to gLinksHacked - I loved that browser !

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