Strange problem

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Strange problem
started by: writeson

Posted by writeson on Aug. 19 2004,19:11
Hi all,

I've dog DSL 0.7.3 installed on a Compaq Pressario 1800 laptop and it was working well. I've also got all the DSL Extensions installed on the system and they work well. However, today I booted the system up and it booted up in IceWM, which seemed strange as I work in Fluxbox. Also, a lot of the menu items were in spainish for some reason. In addition, my keyboard seems to have become remapped a little bit. For instane, the forward slash key '/' now prints a ';' in a terminal window. And it doesn't matter which terminal I hope, all the same.

Anyone have any ideas what's going on here?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 19 2004,20:00
It sounds like you've installed the icewm or icewm-blue.dsl's
Also, the pt_br.dsl , which is a brazillian keymap layout..

Remove these two files from your personal repository.
Reboot, and see what happens...

Not everything in the repository is for all installs..
Some of them are very specialized for a particular use..


Posted by writeson on Aug. 24 2004,15:46
Thanks for the response, though I'm not sure how to delete pt_br.dsl file you mentioned. I did a find on my system and that file doesn't show up. Any suggestions?


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