rmmod usb-storage hangs

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: rmmod usb-storage hangs
started by: tleadley

Posted by tleadley on Dec. 04 2007,07:47
The jist of my problem is this:

<rmmod --stacks usb-storage> Hangs when I use DSL with the following options:

tohd, toram or run from CDROM

<rmmod --stacks usb-storage> Works fine when DSL is installed to a Hard Drive.

Also it does not matter which version of DSL I am using, same issue.

I am unable to kill the process, and when I check top the status of the process in question it is uninteruptible sleep state.

I want to figure out how to get this to work when using the "toram" option. I am running this on an IBM think centre, with no hard drive. I manage multiple usb devices, I repair the file systems and update the information on these devices. To manage more than 7 unique devices without rebooting I would just simply use <rmmod --stacks usb-storage> in my script and a way I go to manage more usb storage devices. Windows is not an option, and ext file system drivers for XP are also not an option.

I have looked at the start-up scripts, and checked using dmesg. Looked though the system logs. Things appear to run pretty much the same, in all conditions except when run from an installation there is no initial ram disk, grub just loads straight to the kernel.

The more I read on this the more I am thinking that the usb-storage module is not be loaded with the correct parameters for my hardware. One thing I am going to try is to re-master the CD and have it so that it can regenerate id.so.cache and the modules.dep files because as of right now they are in a read-only state and is the last thing I can think of right now.

If anyone has anything else they could offer, I would gladly accept the advice :-)

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Posted by curaga on Dec. 04 2007,16:44
I believe it's a bug in that kernel; the knoppix devs mention it in the initrd's boot script
Posted by tleadley on Dec. 04 2007,19:03
I saw that too, however, it does not explain why <rmmod --stacks usb-storage> works when DSL is installed to the hard drive. Besides in the initrd script they comment on the usbcore module.

Since my last post, I was viewing top, the process <rmmod.modutils> is in an "uniteruptible sleep" state. I am currently running the "dsl toram" option. If I understand the online literature correctly, that means the process is running in so tight a loop, that not even kill will end the process.

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