suspend / sleep / power management?

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: suspend / sleep / power management?
started by: datth

Posted by datth on June 26 2004,20:05
Hi I'm new to DSL but I already love it.
I was wondering if there was a way to put my laptop in suspend mode.
I don't think acpi support is included in DSL right?

It'd be great if I could suspend it and just run enough power to keep everything in RAM, so I don't have to redownload and re-set everything up again the next time I want to use my computer.

Posted by MadRabies on Aug. 24 2004,16:49
Or what about just shutting the display/monitor down after a certain amount of time? I would like that more than a screensaver. You don't need ACPI to do that, do you?
Posted by DonttPanic on Sep. 06 2004,03:16
Quote (MadRabies @ Aug. 24 2004,12:49)
Or what about just shutting the display/monitor down after a certain amount of time? I would like that more than a screensaver. You don't need ACPI to do that, do you?

My monitor turns off automatically after 10 minutes on my desktop. I was kinda wondering how to keep it on without tapping the mouse every 9 minutes. Is it something in DSL, or is it something in the BIOS? How would I access settings for the video card (it's an hd install, so I dont have any other os running on that machine)?
Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 06 2004,04:27
See this thread

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