DSL + Firewall Rescue

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: DSL + Firewall Rescue
started by: 311Sam

Posted by 311Sam on Aug. 20 2004,09:55
Hello There,

Resently my linux firewall (smoothwall) died after a bad kernel update.  I would like to boot with a dsl live cd and then copy about 1mb of conf files from the firewalls hard drive to floppy so that away once i reinstall the firewall i will be able to set it back up to my original configuration.  

I managed to get get dsl to boot and get to the desktop but i couldnt figure out how to browse the hard drive and look for the firewall partition.  Anyone got any tips?



Posted by mpie on Aug. 20 2004,10:31
find the hard drive in the mount app  (above wmix) click on the slit so that it turns green..... it is now mounted
open emelfm.....
in the right panel click on /mnt/ then your hd partition in that list and there are your files........
go back to the mount app click on floppy.....
go back into emelfm this time nav the right panel into floppy (again under mount)  and highlight the hdfiles you want to copy then press copy.....
hey presto all done.......

Posted by 311Sam on Aug. 20 2004,10:45
Quote (mpie @ Aug. 20 2004,06:31)
find the hard drive in the mount app  (above wmix) click on the slit so that it turns green..... it is now mounted
open emelfm.....
in the right panel click on /mnt/ then your hd partition in that list and there are your files........
go back to the mount app click on floppy.....
go back into emelfm this time nav the right panel into floppy (again under mount)  and highlight the hdfiles you want to copy then press copy.....
hey presto all done.......

Thanks!  Ill try it when i get home

Also will windows be able to read the floppy after the files are put on it?

Posted by mpie on Aug. 20 2004,11:22
if they are originally wi**ows files then yes..........
Posted by 311Sam on Aug. 21 2004,00:59
hey it worked!!

you saved the day!! :D  :D

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