booting DSL

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: booting DSL
started by: jojotx0

Posted by jojotx0 on Aug. 30 2004,21:55
after I got DSL 0.8.0 downloaded I checked the md5 and it checked out, I unpacked the iso and burned the file to a CD-R when I boot the CD it just says error loading operating system, anyone know what's wrong?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Aug. 31 2004,00:33
you unpacked the iso?

you need to use something that will let you burn the image to a cd.

with *nix, that's easy. just type this.
Code Sample
cdrecord dev=0,0,0 /path/to/iso

in windoZzz i recommend Alex Feinman's ISO Recorder. Its a plug-in for XP only that works extremely well.

< Click here to download it. >

If you are on an older version of M$, use a nero demo. If you don't know where that is, GOOGLE.


EDITUS MAXIMUS: ISO Recorder doesn't work with XP SP2, not that anything really works right with it, but anyway.


Posted by jojotx0 on Aug. 31 2004,02:04
I unpacked it with winRAR I wasn't sure if Sonic Record Now! could burn an iso correctly, didn't want to waist a CD-R...guess I did anyways, thanks for recomending the program, downloading now, I will post a message saying if it works or not
Posted by jojotx0 on Aug. 31 2004,20:37
The program works great, thanks for the help :;):
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