Devilish screen trouble creates evilness.

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Devilish screen trouble creates evilness.
started by: schopenhauer101

Posted by schopenhauer101 on Mar. 11 2004,02:25

Both me and a friend of mine got totallly addicted to DSL, but we both also share a problem related to it; we both HD-run it from our laptops and are bound to use it in Xfbdev instead of Xvesa It just do not seem to work very good. It looks ok but, ofcourse, it is slow like hell. Ive tried lots of cheatcodes and also Xvesa -listmodes, boot: knoppix vga=(numbers), and so on, but the screen wont speed up anyway. To scroll a window up and down is especially slow and painfull.

Is there a way around this(hopehopehope)??, Is there anyway i can apt-get something, some tools or whatever to change my enviroment without crashing DSLs base? My videocard works *perfectly* under Knoppix, is there anything that i could grab from there, something from XFree86(that i know isnt supported in DSL)? ANY suggestions at all would be very very helpfull.

I got help (and also gave help), before at this forum, and i really wish that someone could please help us out. We intended to continue to use DSL as our main distro, but we just cant do it anymore with screens as slow as they are  now.

Take care.
Björn and C-J.

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