ESS es1879 sound card

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: ESS es1879 sound card
started by: tempestuous

Posted by tempestuous on Aug. 30 2004,11:14
Hi all,
My Sony PCG-505TS laptop has the ESS es 1879 sound card, which is non plug-and-play.
Can anyone help me get it working in DSL?

It worked fine under Fedora Core2 with ALSA drivers, and not bad under Knoppix, but no luck with DSL after many hours trying.
Under FC2 I used alsaconf to set up /etc/modprobe.conf (which should be /etc/modules.conf in Debian) as such -
alias snd-card-0 snd-es18xx
alias sound-slot-0 snd-es18xx
options snd-es18xx isapnp=0 dma1=1 dma2=0 irq=5

alsa-autoconfig fixed things in Knoppix.
And of course, I use the cheatcode alsa=es18xx.

I installed alsa-utils with apt-get ... still no luck.  alsaconf fails to detect the card.

It's at the point where I don't care if ALSA drivers won't work in DSL.  The OSS drivers would be OK ... I just want sound!
Craig S

Posted by tempestuous on Aug. 30 2004,12:50
Sorry.  I just looked at the previous post.  Sound is obviously a hot topic.  I now have a few more tricks to try ... though cbagger01's idea of taking ALSA bits from Knoppix3.4 looks complex.

I forgot to mention that I have a 0.8.0 HDinstall, but eventually want to run a frugal install in ram.

And by the way, I have my USB wireless adapter (D-Link DWL-122) working perfectly ... with encryption.  Hooray for DSL's prism2 drivers!

Posted by ke4nt1 on Aug. 30 2004,16:40
See this thread ...

<;t=152 >

This person was successful in getting sound with a ess1879 card ...


Posted by clivesay on Aug. 30 2004,17:10
Maybe it would be best to list hardware successes in the "How To" section?

I am thinking that if you are successful in getting something like a sound driver setup, it would be a good place to share that could easily be searched. Just include the hardware name in the title field an then list the code or steps required to effectively set it up.

Now, you would want to make sure and note if your setup success was for pre .8.0 or post .8.0!!

Does this sound (no pun intended!) good?


Posted by tempestuous on Sep. 01 2004,02:48
Thanks ke4nt,
In a previous search I had already found that post you mentioned.
I believe its solution uses the "universal soundblaster compatible" OSS driver, and this has never worked for me, with any Linux distribution.

But I just read that Feather Linux's ALSA drivers are good.  And guess what - Feather+ALSA works with my machine!

Sadly I can't get Feather's linux-wlan-ng drivers working for my USB wireless adaptor.
So now I'm stuck between 2 distributions - DSL for wireless, and Feather for sound.

I want to stick with DSL because "toram" works with less than 128MB RAM, whereas Feather is larger than 128MB.
So I applaud cbagger01's investigations, and keenly hope ALSA will soon work in DSL.

For those of you wanting to get your sound working in Feather/Knoppix -
Boot with cheatcode - knoppix alsa=<YOURALSAMODULE>
This will load ALSA, but the parameters will probably be wrong, so reinsert your sound module after bootup with the correct settings.  Here's mine -
modprobe snd-es18xx isapnp=0 dma1=1 dma2=0 irq=5
In a "conventional" linux distribution, these settings reside in a configuration file (/etc/modules.conf for Debian).
There's probably some way in Feather to save these settings ( ??)

Craig S

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