SCSI Card Not Detected in 0.8

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: SCSI Card Not Detected in 0.8
started by: Scarletdown

Posted by Scarletdown on Sep. 06 2004,07:31
How can I get my SCSI adapter autodetected when booting up with the 0.8 boot floppy?  The SCSI adapter is an Adaptec AHA1520, and that is what the CD-ROM drive is connected to.  The system in question is an old P200, and the CD-ROM drive isn't bootable, which is why I need to use a boot floppy to install.

0.7.3 autodetected the SCSI card and drive fine, but 0.8 fails there and drops me to a limited shell with only 6 commands available:


Is there any way at all to recover from this, or should I just stick with 0.7.3?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 06 2004,07:45
DSL 0.8 discovers the scsi peripherals early in the boot sequence..
I'm thinking if your making it to the limited shell, then SCSI isn't the issue..
You could try booting with "dsl noscsi" , just to check..

Try using "dsl noapic" or "dsl nomce" , or both "dsl noapic nomce"
" noagp " and  " nosmp " are popular as well ..

Does it successfully boot with "failsafe" ?
Just to test, not as a habit..

If it works with failsafe, which uses a whole string of " no*** " commands,
It's a matter of working backwards thru them to find your issue..

Whan you find a solution, let us know what you did..
Remember, this is 0.8.0 , an early release of both kernel and bootloader ..
Your feedback is welcomed ..


Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 06 2004,16:31
It is possible that the kernel in the boot floppy does not contain the SCSI drivers needed to see the hard drive.

Is the CDROM also SCSI?

If it is a normal IDE/ATAPI CDROM, you may be able to boot DSL version 0.8 with the fullsize kernel by creating a bootloader floppy called "Smart Boot Manager":

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