Saving netcardconfig

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Saving netcardconfig
started by: Penguinitus

Posted by Penguinitus on Sep. 07 2004,00:50
While searching this board, this is what I came up with to save my netcardconfig...

Put your ifconfig, route, and other misc configurations in /opt/ and then add /opt/ to filetool.lst

What I could really use some help with would be how to edit I am unfamiliar with scripting and am really lost.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 07 2004,01:11
Use Scite to open up the file in the location /opt/

The file is nothing more than a text file.  It is similar to the autoexec.bat file in MSDOS/Windows95/98

Just add the new lines in there somewhere and save it.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 07 2004,02:58
cbagger01 is correct .. Scite is the answer ..

You need to be root to edit/save the /opt/ file..

Open a shell
Type " sudo su "  to become root
Type " cd /opt "
Type " scite "

Only YOU know the addresses to use in your route, ifconfig lines ..


Posted by Penguinitus on Sep. 07 2004,20:03
Thanks guys, can't wait to get home and try it out.
Posted by sygOOO on Sep. 13 2004,18:29
i have a really newby  question.
can you tell me the commands to set my netcard settings
can you tell me where i can read sth about that???

Posted by WoofyDugfock on Sep. 24 2004,09:19
Try <;t=2692 >
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