It won't boot

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: It won't boot
started by: OneMan

Posted by OneMan on Sep. 08 2004,12:38
I can't get it to even boot from a cd.
It appears to be all operating smoothly, but then it gets to the end of autoconfiguring devices, displays "done", the floppy drive light comes on and then nothing.

so what is happening?

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 08 2004,15:56
Try booting with "failsafe" at the "boot:" prompt


Posted by OneMan on Sep. 09 2004,01:00
nah, that does the same thing.
Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 09 2004,01:17
try typing in

dsl nofloppy

at the boot prompt.

Posted by OneMan on Sep. 09 2004,04:44
yep tried that to. same result
Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 09 2004,10:55
OK , back to the beginning...

What kind of computer ?
How much memory?
What kind of display?
What does starting with "dsl 2" do ?


Posted by OneMan on Sep. 09 2004,13:28
starting with dsl 2 does the same thing. as does every other option.

p4 2.4Ghz
1 Gig of RAM
2xhdd, 120G and 80G
2x optical drives
9600xt graphics card to a 19inch monitor

i've also got a digital tv card???

Posted by henk1955 on Sep. 09 2004,15:47
have you tried it on an other, diferent computer?
maybe your cd is currupt

Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 10 2004,21:52
you can try:

dsl noscsi


DSL 0.8.0 boots just fine on my machine:

p4 2.8GHz 800Mhz FSB w/hyperthreading
Intel 875pzd style motherboard (made for Dell 400sc server)
512MB Dual channel RAM
40GB standard ATA/100 hard drive (NOT SATA hard drive)
1 48x CDROM drive
1 48x USB2 CD-RW drive
ATI brand (built by ATI. The real card and not the "powered by ATI" knock-offs) 9600XT AGP card
19" MAG CRT monitor

And if you want my system to be REALLY like yours:

AccessDTV Digital TV card :) :) :)

Of course my Digital TV card is actually sitting in my old Pentium-III computer.

FYI, it has been noted that many of these cards will cause problems if you do not set hyperthreading to OFF.

You can usually do this in the BIOS, or you can make an attempt to ignore it by
booting with:

dsl nosmp

Good Luck.

Posted by OneMan on Sep. 11 2004,05:28
the full knoppix does the same thing :(
i don't have hyperthreading

i think i give up.

Posted by OneMan on Sep. 11 2004,05:42
Well I can confirm it was my tv card.
I took it out, and it worked. Yay.
I'm writing this from dsl. Now to start playing :D

Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 11 2004,06:23
Good work !


Posted by cbagger01 on Sep. 12 2004,16:55

What brand / model Digital TV card do you own?

I am curious to know what kind of card is the problem.

Also, you may get it to work by playing around with some kernel boot parameters.
Pay particular attention to the PCI boot parameters:

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