Can't boot from USB

Forum: Other Help Topics
Topic: Can't boot from USB
started by: mauro

Posted by mauro on Sep. 13 2004,10:51
I downloaded, burned and started dsl- with my 64MB USB key connected.
System boots with no problems but the USB key is not detected: i must disconnect it and reconnected for it to be detected (sda1).
I install system onto USB key with frugal, reboot system from USB key: the bootloader appears, I press Enter and the system starts to load but it doesn't work because just after the usb modules are loaded in memory the USB key powers off (!) and the system cannot find the partition to boot from  :(
I have tried Puppy linux and it hasn't got this problem: it boots fine but I noticed that during the boot process it pauses for about 25 seconds to reset USB controller.
I also tried Flonix, a Damn Small customization, (don't ask me where i got it plz ...  :p  )  just to try if it boots up ... and it does!
I really don't know what to do   ???
HELP!   :D


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